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Jarfff's Significant 40 Resources

40 is a significant number in some circles, like in the collection of usually 66 smaller books into one sacred volume, 40 items in my readings signify therefore a significant collection, with a major dominant theme, sprinkled by some other kinds of stuff.

Study Bibles are the thing, so groovy to be navigating through them all, gaining insights, and so on. It'll take a 3rd day to have the next day all begin in Gen ch. 2!!!

1 - 1599 Geneva Bible

2 - The Reformation Heritage KJV SB

3 - The Reformation SB

4 - The ESV SB

5 - The Lutheran SB

6 - Cultural Backgrounds SB

7 - NLT SB

8 - The NIV SB

9 - Life Application SB NASB

10 - The Abide Bible – thank you to @AliceinWonderland for this remarkable SB, i love the experience it gives, it guides you into taking more interest in the text and how you can fit into it.

11 - Ancient Faith SB

12 - The Catholic Study Bible

13 - The Didache Bible

14 - The Revised New Jerusalem Bible

15 - The Orthodox SB

Other resources:

16 - Reformed Systematic Theology – Joel R Beeke and Paul Smalley

17 - The Christian’s Reasonable Service – Wilhelmus a Brakel

18 - GK Chesterton – Heretics and onwards

19 - Flannery O’Connor – short stories then Wise Blood and so on

20 - William Perkins – from the 10 volumes, also any other Puritan.

21 - The Dordrecht Commentary, it's weird layout the commentary is right in with the text, and doesn't look any different, and is within {brackets}, also here shall be all the Confessional material.

22 - The Divided Self – RD Laing

23 - Philosophical Fragments & Concluding Unscientific Postscript – Soren Kierkegaard

24 - Luther’s Table Talk

25 - The manga Homunculus

26 - Stephen Charnock’s The Existence and Attributes of God, a mammoth Puritan work.

27 - Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

28 - Thomas Ligotti’s The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

29 - A Short History of Decay and any other Cioran booki may fancy, same with –

30 - Friedrich Nietzsche, plus the secondary material

31 - The Catechism of the Council of Trent

32 - The Catechism of the Catholic Church

33 - Vatican II

34 - Matthew Henry’s Commentary, the unabridged one with all those super helpful hyperlinks

35 - Matthew Poole’s Commentary, some esteemed men and perhaps women also preferred Poole over Henry!!

36 - Jamieson, Fausset & Brown’s Commentary

37 - John Calvin’s Commentary

38 - John Gill’s Commentary

39 - NIVAC, the only modern commentary series i have in full, some are highly regarded and the rest are just plain ok, which is ok y’know??

40 – thank you to my great friend @bookerdana for endorsing this to check out, i love how Roger Ebert saw films from his audio commentaries i’ve heard and that special show they used to air with Gene Siskel, it will be a pure pleasure to get to know the man in Life Itself.
I love study Bibles. So much more insight and context than I’d understand on my own. I only recently started looking at study guides as well.
You’ve got a great collection there. 🙂
@Colonelmustardseed Thank you!! Agreed, many miss out because they think God's gonna speak to them without the guidance of those who have made it their life's work to teach the text. Blessings to you my friend 😊
Musicman · 61-69, M
WOW! Just WOW! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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