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The Kindloo Project -- Day 1

Each post in the KP will be roughly 24 hours of reading, thus ensuring not making too many posts

Perhaps each vocaroo video will be around a half an hour, in this first installement i read from The Wheel of Time, Kant's Critique and Cioran's A Short History of Decay, hope you all enjoy, i'm not yet high on edibles, and i might be edible free tonight, it makes my head feel hot i gotta get a bag of frozen peas to cool off.


Cioran, Burton and Kershaw ... there's a lot of nuggets of wisdom in Burton btw


Sartre, Dickinson and Hesse


Hesse, Pynchon, Lispector, St. John of the Cross and Chamfort, little confused now i recall beginning here as a continuation of Pynchon, but if so, i'm just tripping out and making mistakes, no one ought to rely on me to read complete books on here, only to get a taste and see if you wanna get it for yourself. I forgot how this half hour began haha


I think this is where i know how i'll do this 1 to 5 paragraphs at a time, aphorisms encouraged and only rarely more than about 5 minutes in any given book, the point is not to comprehend full the books, but to have a good time reading them and how they push and pull my mind through and around real life issues, here are snippets of Valorie Solanus, Christopher Rice, John Williams, Primo Levi, Nietzsche, John Owen, and Hegel.


Jean Lorrain, Jean Ray, Irving Goffman, Antonin Artaud, Katherine Ormerod,Anais Nin, and Andrea Dworkin


Robert Jordan, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Anthony Everitt, Philo, Seutonius, and James Baldwin


Anais Nin, Christopher Rice, Frances Turretin, Dylan Thomas, Robert Jordan, Friedrich Nietzsche


Bruce G. Charlton, Pearl S. Buck, Joseph Frank, Nevil Shute, Jeanette Walls, and Daphne de Maurier


Leila Mottley, Kazuo Ishiguro, Sayaka Hurata, Charles Taylor, and Salman Rushie


Pearl Buck, Daphne du Maurier, Robert Jordan, Primo Levi, Immanuel Kant, Reinhold Niebuhr, Theodorus van der Groe, a bio on Jonathan Edwards, John Calvin


"The Art of Thinking Clearly", Joseph Frank, Jeanette Walls, Anthony Everitt, Mao Tse Tung, Hegel, Angela Carter, and Helena Blavatsky


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