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These are interesting times….

You can measure the character of a person, based on how much he is willing to look the other way when his own kind are guilty.

People who are looking for loopholes on how Trump can get away with Jan 6 insurrection and still support him are lowlifes.

I have no respect for such greedy people who will sell their honor, freedom, and respect for money.

Ugghhh! 🤮

I hope the good ones see trumpet for the corrupt, lying, two-faced POS that he TRUTHfully is.

I truly see democracy at risk when people believe in trump’s lies, with a blind mob-like loyalty.

That said, I see a true patriot and hero in Michael Fanone, who can see and accept the truth as it is…and his book ‘Hold the Line’ is free on Audible for members. Woo hoo! 💖

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DownTheStreet · 56-60, M Best Comment
Even as a conservative, I wish trump would disappear — along with the old republican cronies that hang around. As a moderate I just want someone sensible. Trump is unelectable again; and in reality he would be a more divisive leader than ever, regardless of what he does. That’s not what need. Just like I don’t think the current president is worthy or a leftist. Who is the choice? I have no idea.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@DownTheStreet I think it's sad that the current political climate compels you to begin with "even as...." Trump supporters have promoted the narrative that a true conservative cannot oppose Trump.

I would prefer to think that it's because you are a conservative that you feel the way you do.
@walabby I like that …ABT.

Or else we will turn into another North Korea.
@DrWatson I wish someone like Michael Fanone would join the Democratic party. We need more sensible and smart people like him to lead us.

It's a real cult, and have corroded many a facet of my family members and friends of family. I am encouraged to hear people like you Viv, speaking up. 🤗
@SW-User Thank you, Streamy.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
The one good thing is the bureaucracy is hard to change. I have been a part of it for 24 years, and have been through four administrations, and am on my fifth. Trump's antics had little impact on my job.

What mattered more was money. Congress would give everybody a haircut and leave it up to agency heads to figure out what to cut. For my survey, they cut our sample size in half and we had to phase out half the data collectors (by not filling vacancies). In my math office, we lost two positions. It was based on seniority (not fair at all) so I was spared. But all this was long ago so not because of Trump.

Also, for a few years we had a pay freeze. But that was under Obama! We usually get raises based on an index of wage inflation in the economy. Sort of like the Social Security COLA, but not automatic, and for SS, they use a price index.

The good thing about math is it is non-political. But how we measure things and what we emphasize can be political. Just look at all the versions of the unemployment rate. Not all people can agree on what should be in the numerator and the denominator!
@JoyfulSilence Thank you, Joy….this gives me hope…☺️

You remember when trump was in power how he had tried to disband the EPA, and other functional teams? Even the core values and statements of purpose on the websites were altered.. it was scary.

Now they’ve put their puppets in the Supreme Court and God knows how else they might destroy all the pillars on which our democracy stands? 🤔

Regarding the unemployment rate, we are at an all time low, plus covid pandemic is under control, and even if there is inflation, the buying power of people hasn’t gone down…isn’t that surprising?
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Trump was limited by law and regulations, and the wishes of independent entities that interpret laws and set regulations.

A few months ago I asked to get reimbursed for business travel expenses (I had to commute to a conference in DC). It was only about $75 but was such a pain to get. The time I wasted pursuing this money, if converted to my salary for the same time, was more than $75. Loony!

Yeah, the fake information was scary. Remember Trump's altered hurricane forecast?

I hope Sharpie Man never gains power again.

Supreme Court members do die. It happens. I hope Joe has his list ready! Lots of young, healthy liberals!

Yeah, inflation sucks. I bought a box of cereal the other day for like $6. WTF?

I bought a coffee maker that makes one cup (the coffee "pot" is simply whatever mug you decide to place under it). I could have sworn it was about the same price as my 5-cup maker with a real coffee pot, that I bought a few years ago.

But I just got promoted, so my income is fine.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
While I see your point and agree with it, I do have a problem with republicans that switch to the democratic party because they disagree with what has happened.

It seems many have the same conservative values, yet are switching to the least offensive party. I would rather they become independents or form their own party than lessen the fiscal priorities of democrats.

This is happening in a local yet major mayoral race. He says he has changed values, yet is still a financial conservative

Doing such lessens the democratic party as a whole.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Vivaci to me it's a matter of principles. I just wish candidates had more principles on both sides.
@DeWayfarer But remember, the way our system is set up now, independents can’t win, there are not enough of them, and there are several splintered factions. If dissatisfied Republicans hadn’t crossed the aisle and voted Democrat in 2020, Trump would’ve won again.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard there's a difference between switching parties and and running as any political party office then saying you are a democrat.

This person is promoting himself as all across the board democrat when he simply is not.

Especially when Biden gives his endorsement to the opposing real lifelong democrat.

Yet he is outspending the opponent 3 to 1 and saying he takes no money from other sources.

The guy is totally a conservative hiding under a democratic skirt.

He is just as unprincipled as some of the worst conservatives by doing so.
I want to be an handsome old man 😂
@Vivaci lol not that much old but something like this

@Vivaci lol I need to starting from today for this.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Trump isn't that the guy that tried to over power an armed secret service

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