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Any Stephen King fans out there?

My first Stephen King. I've been told by multiple people this is a really good one but I'm about a third of the way through and I'm still not hooked. Should I be more patient or is Stephen King just not for me?
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AdaXI · T
Yeah Stephen King is a very long winded writer at times I've enjoyed most of what I've read by him 'It' 'Salems Lot' 'Pet Sematary' 'Tommy Knockers' 'Running Man' 'The Shining' but not my favourite writer like the Tower series I couldn't get into at all.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
The Dead Zone is one of my favorite books by Stephen King. But his writing isn't for everyone. I'd suggest maybe setting that book aside if you just can't get into it and trying a different one. I should add that not every book by King is for everyone who generally likes his writing. Some people think The Stand is his best book, but I really couldn't get into it and had to abandon it. And not all of his books are particularly well-written. I liked It overall, though the novel would have been much better, in my opinion, had the middle section undergone some serious editing.
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
I tried reading a few of his books and had a hard time getting through them. I tried The Stand, IT, Needful Things and for school once they had us read Eyes of the Dragon (I think the name was).
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
@AdaXI yeah I know I tried a few times with both The Stand and IT but I had a hard time. Granted I was also an early teen so it was an issue of attention span. Needful Things I managed to get mostly through and found it better than the movie though.
AdaXI · T
@PassingThrough Haha very true, I was the same I tried reading 'IT' when I was about 15 the first time around and I just didn't have the attention span to read a novel that size, so it sat on a bookshelf for best part of 20 years but I eventually got there in my early 30s and went on to read a fair few of his other books.
I do still enjoy his shorter novels better though (for me personally) I just find his longer stuff is very padded out and they drag on a bit sometimes.
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
@AdaXI I could see that. I think that’s part of why some say his work isn’t easy to adapt for TV or movies. And probably why something like Stranger Things resonates. It has all that feel of one of his works but without the adapting for diehard fans
Jungleman · M
i prefer bentley little, he is a similar horror fiction author, you should check him out, especially his older books from the early to mid 1990s.
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Jinxie · 51-55, F
Love Stephen King. First book oh his I read was The Stand. Hooked since then.
Could be he’s not for you. King is very descriptive and has multiple story lines at the same time.
Jessmari · 46-50
I liked the Dark Tower series. Also Talisman and the Black House.

His books are worth the read if you aren't looking for a quick payoff. He likes to drag out the suspense.
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@Jessmari thanks... I'll keep going then!
Piper · 61-69, F
I'm a long time fan. Some of his books have disappointed me a little, but even then I thought they were pretty good. I think The Dead Zone is very good, but you may be right that Stephen King just isn't for you.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
I read a lot of his books years ago. Always enjoyed them. As horrific as his subject matter is, he infuses his stories with well fleshed out characters. He brings horror to a level where you feel it can happen to anyone
Yes when I was younger his books were like candy..
Ingwe · F
He is also not for me.
Ingwe · F
stephen king->
Montanaman · M
I Loved the Movie!
legodood · M
Ahhh that is a Stephen King classic but I am totally clueless if it's the best choice for a first time reader of his. Are you generally a fan of horror and science fiction?
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@legodood I'm a huge fan of both. I've not read horror before.. its mostly been tv and podcasts. I feel like maybe I'm not that invested in the characters. He's only just come out the coma so maybe I'll warm up to him now. At the moment i feel like its jumping around between too many characters who I'm not all that bothered about 🙈
legodood · M
@RebelHeart ahhh that's good on all counts. hmmm I don't know if you will warm up to him or even most king protagonists 😂 however he is a quite intriguing character, and well-portrayed in the (almost 40 yo) film with chris walken and subsequent tv series in the 2000s. iow, they sure ain't a certain doctor in a certain blue police box lollll
cecile · F
that was my 1st Stephen King experience too, i quite liked it but it wasn't one of those books i couldn't put down
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@cecile did you go on to read any more stephen king?
cecile · F
@RebelHeart dead zone, Christine but unusually i favoured the film
Sometimes it takes awhile to get into his books. But that’s a really good one. You might want to see the movie with Christopher Walken; it might prompt you to read the book, and see the story more detailed and fleshed out.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I do not remember if I read this one.

I recommend The Gunslinger. It's short and grabbed me from the first line.

"The man in black fled across the desert and the Gunslinger followed."
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@Doomflower sounds intriguing.. I'll add it to my reading list! Thanks 😊
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@RebelHeart there are seven books in the series and get progressively longer as they go on. My favorite is probably the first but every book has something for everyone.

The series over all, especially from the third book onwards, is probably more enjoyable if you're familiar with King as an author.
Lilymoon · F
I read a lot of his books years ago... then I just went off them and haven't gone back...
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
SK is my fave but I don’t read much.

I just like his style
hm. he might not be for you. he can be a bit of a slow burn. are you looking for horrorish specific or just good to read?
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@dirge I'm happy to read most things. I love horror but haven't read it before. I think maybe im not good with Stephen king as I'm too impatient. I can appreciate how well its written and love the detail but its just not making me so desperate to read it that i stay up all night
@RebelHeart you might find his kid - joe hill more interesting
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@dirge thanks, I'll definitely look take a look 🙂
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Huge Stephen King fan
He can be difficult to read
MethDozer · M
I was always fan but not of all his works. He's kinda got 4 or 5 styles of story that are different and for the most part every fan flgravitates towards this or that groups if his books.
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Iwillwait · M
@ChemDawg is that Gosling on the cover?
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@Iwillwait it does look like him!
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