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i have to put this somewhere because it keeps rolling around in my head

I read a lot of horror lit and every time I see someone ask about a reprint of Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke (I'm gonna spoil it) I physically cringe because people are going to wait for a reprint, pay for that book and find out that it's just so bad.

The whole thing is told in emails between two women and one convinces the other to eat spoiled meat to grow a tapeworm as a stand-in for "their" baby. This is an online relationship. And you can't tell that they even know anything about each other. It's so short that there's no evidence that there's any reason for them to like each other. There's no investment. Pls no.
Comment to add that said Internet Woman immediately breaks up with the other Internet Woman that ate the meat because now it's suddenly too weird and unhealthy and ghosts her. That's the end.
That sounds more boring than scary or exciting.
@NerdyPotato it wasn't boring, I read the whole thing in 45 minutes... It was just kind of a pointless nothingburger.
@NerdyPotato neither of the characters are remotely likable, one is desperate and spineless and the other is a manipulative freak.
wackidywack · 26-30
was it by any chance written by a man
@wackidywack it sure was
wackidywack · 26-30
@SW-User a man writing a book with women main characters and a plot that revolves around them- their relationship exactly, guaranteed chance of disappointment

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