I’ve read several Star Wars theories. This one would be cool, but highly unlikely.
raysam363 · 31-35, F
Well duh, he went to Earth and changed his name to Nick Fury.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
I once listened to like a 40 min video regarding the theory of Jar Jar actually being the real Sith lord in control. It was suprisingly entertaining and compelling lol
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@Axelerator After watching one such youtube presentation, you have to admit it is extremely plausible that Jar Jar is at the very least a dark force user.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
@NativeOregonian Yeah that's the interesting thing, some of the things don't make sense really, but it also doesn't seem like mistakes. The theory of George Lucas having a plan that he changed part ways through doesn't seem implausiable, and i think it would have blown people's minds if he could have pulled it off right.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@Axelerator I think that was George's intention, to keep people guessing. Even though George said that Jar Jar was his most favorite of all the characters, he apparently said in an interview that he deliberately created him to be hated, and that Lucas said that Binks was a secret operative under Palpatine/Sidious.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
theory? I think this happened in the books