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I liked IT, Shining and Dark Tower.
writergirl · 26-30, F
@Vivaci IT actually scared me LOL, I keep trying to read the Shining to the point were I get really into it, but then I end up putting it down and not touching it for a while :[
@writergirl lol...same here. I do enjoy his books though...
@Vivaci you need to read Doctor Sleep the sequel to the shining.

Fernie · F
I loved his early stuff but lost interest when he wrote under the name Richard Bachman . I am a Dean Koontz freak though..have every one of his books and can't wait for his next one. I don't tell too many people that unless they tell me they like him or King fist because people can be book snobs
writergirl · 26-30, F
@Fernie Whats your recommended read from Dean Koontz? :)
Fernie · F
@writergirl The Odd Thomas series. I've read them all several times. Do you read King books more than once?
Fernie · F
I liked The Stand the best. Pet Cemetery too...the fist movie with Herman Munster was excellent
JupiterDreams · 31-35
I love The Dark Half
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I want to read Dark Tower
vader2112 · 46-50, M
He's brilliant. Forget what other people think. Let them go back to playing with Snapchat filters and binge watching crap.
writergirl · 26-30, F
@vader2112 I think people are intimidated by his writing because hes so gory, and they also find it hard to follow long (jumping back and forth / switching characters)

Favorite Stephen King book?
vader2112 · 46-50, M
@writergirl Maybe. I'm a car guy, so Christine.
Only his old works. Before he became a celebrity. I liked Pet Cemetary, The Stand, and Salem's Lot.
There are so many to pick from. I guess I would say, 11/22/63, The Stand, The Dark Tower Series first 3.
lovingdead · 31-35, M
Hearts in Atlantis, dark tower, a Buick 8, the regulators
ToriTalking · 18-21, F
Maybe Salems Lot
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Stephen King is my favorite Author ...he is the reason I want to write.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Also.. I love Delores Claiborne. Carrie. I also loved Green Mile

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