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Fat eagle story

Bald Eagle Weight Gain

When America began, there was a bald eagle born deep in the undiscovered land of the newly founded country. But this bald eagle was unlike any other.
As soon as he was born, he was the size of an adult bald eagle. After becoming an adult, he was six times the size of the average bald eagle. It was when he was done growing that he came into realization of who he was. He wasn't your run of the mill anthropomorphic, seven foot tall, undiscovered bald eagle. He was the bald eagle that represented all of America.
What happened to him, happened to America and vice versa. When the Great Depression was going on full swing, he was weak and sickly thin. It didn't look like he would survive. But even through wars, bad presidencies and etc., he was muscular and strong in the end...That is...until recently.

The year 2000:
This was the year that Americans began to become flawed in their eating. More and more Americans were becoming obese. This didn't affect the bald eagle too greatly, but it did show on his previously toned physique.
Instead of his godly six pack, a layer of pudge covered it. He was thicker overall and looked as if "he'd missed a few days at the gym."

The year 2001:
More and more Americans were becoming fatter and so was the bald eagle. It sported a minor (but noticeable) paunch and his muscles features had faded away even more than before. And then, the unthinkable happened.
9/11. The bald eagle was traumatized by this horrid occurrence which spiraled downward in his weight. That day, he visibly gained at least twenty pounds, giving his gut a jigglier feel to it as well as enlarging it, his feathers multiplying to compensate how much skin it had to cover.

The year 2002:
There was a vast amount of Americans getting obese now and a growing number of alcoholics with beer bellies. The eagle was no different. His gut, which protruded a foot in front of him with some overhang onto his lap, was large and squishy. Almost plush to the touch. It wobbled and shook as he moved, which accentuated the fact that he had no more muscles...which meant that The weight could spread to the other parts of his body...

The year 2003:
The bald eagle was officially fat now. His feathered belly was a foot and a half in front of him and I was wobblier than ever before. Two small cones were where his rock-like pecs used to be, giving warning that man-boobs were developing. His wings were wider in circumference and were being pushed out to the sides a bit due to his newly developed love handles. His rear end was getting some attention now, as two flat cheeks soon became large, jiggly domes of flab and feathers. His normally twiggy legs were now simply thicker, and it was necessary that they were so they could hold up all that eagle fat they had to carry.

The year 2004:
The number of obese Americans was making the bald eagle far less confident in the fact that he would bounce back from this dip in weight. America was letting itself go so he had to as well. His gut was so big, it was hanging off his feathery hips and nearing his thighs. His love handles were chunky and prominent. His legs were beginning to develop cankles and his thighs were thicker than his entire body used to be. His rump was also bigger than before, giving him a rather feminine pair of hips he had to live with. When walking, his butt quaked with each step as it swung from left to right, which embarrassed the great symbol heavily (no pun intended).

The year 2006:
It was now utterly hopeless for the eagle to get back in shape. His rump had grown exponentially over the past two years. It was so large, it could sit on a bench and fill it entirely. His thighs were larger too. They forced his legs apart so his walking became more of a waddle, which made his chubby cheeks blush if any other eagles were to see him. Speaking of his cheeks; he constantly seemed as if he were holding his breath the way his cheeks puffed out. But it was simply his fat making his face look "cuter" than he'd like it to. He once looked fierce and strong. Now he was just a portly bird that happened to be anthropomorphic and seven feet tall.

The year 2009:
The eagle's stomach capacity was larger than anyone could ever imagine. It ballooned out in front of him four and a half feet, hanging all the way down to his knees. It barely covered his massive thighs which could dwarf a panda's entire body. His wings were practically perpendicular to the ground because they were being pushed outwards constantly by his enormous love handles. He officially had moobs that no bra could contain. Each looked like a watermelon shot with a growth ray of sorts except flabbier and bouncier. His rear end could resemble that of an elephant's rear end. That is, if the elephant was twice the size it already was.

The year 2014:
Before, his walk used to be a staggered waddle. Now, he was completely immobile. He simply sat on his gargantuan buttocks which were the size of two wrecking balls. His stomach was ten feet in front of him and his rhinoceros sized moobs lied on top, jiggling about with each slow breath he took. His legs were entirely covered by stomach, rump, and love handles which made him look like a feathery blob rather than a majestic bald eagle which he once was. And all this was made possible thanks to American obesity taking over our country. *sarcasm* Thanks, America.
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plungesponge · 41-45, M
The baby bald eagle was born the size of an adult bald eagle? His poor mother lol
@plungesponge yes and he was over 1000 pounds

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