Elizabeth Bennett
Uriah Heep
Cat in the hat
Uriah Heep
Cat in the hat
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The list may be mad
But be the best time we every have
Uriah may be a creep
But, I confess, I like his speak
Lizze would make us smile
The cat's hat I'd wear awhile
We could have tea and cake
And forget they are all fake...
The list may be mad
But be the best time we every have
Uriah may be a creep
But, I confess, I like his speak
Lizze would make us smile
The cat's hat I'd wear awhile
We could have tea and cake
And forget they are all fake...
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@SW-User Brilliant response. Lizzie Bennet is first on my list. I've had a crush on her since high school English in 1986.

@Harmonium1923 I love that lady!
Randomlygenerated · 26-30, F
The priest from the first few chapters of Les Miserables (I forget his name)
Pi Patel from Life of Pi
Jane Eyre
Pi Patel from Life of Pi
Jane Eyre
