hi Quietbeauty21 Quiet Flows The Don by Mikhail Sholokov - won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1965.
The novel is considered one of the most significant works of Russian literature in the 20th century. It depicts the lives and struggles of Don Cossacks during the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and Russian Civil War.
Best wishes :)
I read a book on zen 😊 Zen and the Japanese Culture
I will fear no evil and stranger in a strange land. Both by Heinlein, both got me in different ways, and both are pretty flawed, but even though I never read to sir with love, they both sort of "took me from crayons to perfume."
Hamlet & then the film directed by & starring Kenneth Branagh, they opened up my mind to words & meaning, where before I had little interest in them & only a passive understanding if anything spoken or written.
@ButterRobot hmmm ... in the form of letters, reviews sounds interesting. Tell us more, ofc if you can about what had been your takeaway from the compilation.