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Moria810 · 56-60, F
Ah, don't go. I always look forward to your morning posts; it brightens my day. :-(

CharlieZ · 70-79, M
To all,

I am back to SW.
Only tentativelly.
Not at all sure if I´ll stay.

I left because I needed to get calm, to let me feel my own emotions and to think where to stand.

I Will go on thinking about this and my life.
There are things in need of a deep change.
Mostly myself, who I am.

Thank you to all.
Specially to my dear friends here.
Take the time you need & be kind to yourself, you are loved & respected by many on here 💕🤗@CharlieZ
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@SW-User Thank you, once more.
Awww....why don't you take a break instead, Snoopy?
@CharlieZ I'll miss you, Snoopy! 😟
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Vivaci thanks again
@CharlieZ 😕
Oh I’ll miss you but wish you peace & love sweetheart & a never ending supply of hot coffee 🤗💕☕️🍩☕️
Awww man. You are one of the good ones though:(
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@canusernamebemyusername Thank you, friend.
@CharlieZ I wish you the best. And you'll always be welcome again:)
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@canusernamebemyusername The care and affection of my friends is one of the blessings of my life.
Thanks again!
Are you ok your status has changed again 😔
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@SW-User Thanks, I appreciate your friendly attitude.
I am in need to think about by only myself for all the future I can see ahead now.
Be well sweetheart & I hope you come back once you feel healed ✨ @CharlieZ
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@SW-User I am staying at SW, thanks.
Probably while also changing myself.
Not sure what it may mean.
Life will tell.
I do know you, and you will be missed. Vaya con dios!
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Mamapolo2016 Thank you!
@CharlieZ Who's gonna bring breakfast?
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Mamapolo2016 Someone will do it better.
SAAB71 · 51-55, M
Oh! It's a pity to see you go, Charlie! I wish you all the very best whatever the future may hold for you!
elafina · 36-40, F
Ohh goodbye Charlie..hope it's for the best..
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@elafina Thank you Elafina.
I am now anouncing tha came back to SW, at least for a time.
elafina · 36-40, F
@CharlieZ you're welcome anytime!
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@elafina Thanks, friend.
i didn't know you but goodbye nonetheless!!💛
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
It's a shock
sorry to lose you CZ
good luck best wishes
Budwick · 70-79, M
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Budwick Thank you 🍻
Reflection2 · 36-40, M
I suggest you stay, stranger!
Take care Charlie
DDonde · 31-35, M
It's been good.

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