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zxwrose · 36-40, F
yeah walk away is good idea. Some stay because they feel this is element they willing to fight for priorities to be respected.
TheChrister · 41-45, M
@zxwrose they dont ahve real freedom. Constnatly in a mental prison
zxwrose · 36-40, F
@TheChrister You misunderstand. If no one speak up any corrupted won't receive reality checks, stop improve themselves.

Portia · 41-45
Read Ulrich Beck's “Risk Society” and the Media: A Catastrophic View?" you will see how late modernity and our apprehensions are theorised by him brilliantly
TheChrister · 41-45, M
@Portia Ill take a gnader at that! 👍️
Portia · 41-45
@TheChrister let me know what you think 🙂
Sounds like you had an awakening my friend 🤗
TheChrister · 41-45, M
@LittleTinks I did! the next awakening I will have is with a woman with big boobs!
[image deleted]
TheChrister · 41-45, M
@LittleTinks actually you'd kick me out of bed witrh her so you can have her all to yourself! and probbaly do this to me and send me into town for all the guys instead! 😂

Yeah, don’t concern yourself with social issues, just be a selfish jerk and only think of yourself.

The point of life isn’t to be happy.
TheChrister · 41-45, M
@LeopoldBloom How did I miss this gold plated piece of advice? 😮

Im having a revelation! 😮
Pawan · 31-35, M
Be ready for India Pakistan war time

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