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LightningRain · 26-30, M
Easy it's called carpet bombing

Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Very tempting to bomb them back into the Stone Age but that hasn't been too smart a strategy over the last thirty years.
I think there's a good case for doing the research; discovering exactly who they are and annihilating their entire family line.
That way word gets round that if you do that sort of thing, your family will pay for it personally.
Bit extreme maybe, but you have to find a way that makes attacking the innocent via bombing or that incident on Westminster Bridge, unthinkable. Because the consequences will affect generations.
animusinvictus · 31-35, M
1. The U.S. already supports Israel explicitly through billions in foreign aid and kowtowing during election season. That's not gonna end anytime soon.

2. You can condemn Saudi Arabia all you want, but unless you impose actual sanctions against them they won't change their behavior. But that, like the aforementioned policy changes won't happen anytime soon.

3. I have no interest invading another nation, especially one where the entire citizenry hates your country. That would just be another bottomless money pit like Iraq and Afghanistan. The problems in these near east countries are cultural. As long as you have populations that believe in sharia and the totalitarian ideology of islam you'll never have anything close to 'freedom and democracy' or an end to terrorism. No amount of central planning can fix those cultural problems. Iraq is still a repressive third world shit hole 14 years after Sadam was toppled, and it's no wonder. 91% of Iraqis support sharia. Libya is now controlled by competing war lords and became a safe haven for ISIS after the Gaddafi.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@animusinvictus: why do you never read, just respond ? I swear this is why the world gets so bloody frustrated with America.
animusinvictus · 31-35, M
I responded to your three points with three points of my own and that is pretty evident from my comment.
animusinvictus · 31-35, M
How do you deal with cockroaches?
LightningRain · 26-30, M
@animusinvictus: raid spray
solowarrior · 31-35
Difficult to solve completely as tgey inject the venom in tge early stage of kuds . They later choose opportunities to fight against the authorities in the name of God...
Ynotisay · M
Eliminate the need/desire for them to join.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Make sure they stay in their lane

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