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coolman86 · 36-40, M
mental illness or not your all ******* weird

AccountNotFound · 100+, F
not for me but for some yes, for those small and close minded people. or those who are sooo bound by their religion and cultural belief they think its an illness or a crime.
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
It's not insulting if it's asked in honesty, he might just be wondering and trying to determine his own standpoint on it. That's what we're here for.
MrsVulcano · 26-30, F
Sophia, the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that one involves two CONSENTING ADULTS. And the other involves an adult and a child. Stfu Mary.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Are you always this stupid or are you just acting up this evening? Your ignorance is amazing me. [quote]

Sorry, let me see if i follow you:

1) you ask is heterosexuality a mental illness
2) i respond by asking why would you think it is a mental illnness

You lost me.
I mean i take it from your response that you presume that think homosexuality is a mental illness and wrong.
You assumed. That was your mistake.
So what's with the absurdly rapid escalation to insults?
You claim to be nearly 50. Do try to act your age.
Aw is coolman here? I blocked him..well this is my que to go. Enjoy reading that weirdo's bullshit
😂I can't believe nobody thought to do this
[image deleted]
So there you go
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Ok i get it. Your a combative person more concerned with winning a fight than engaging intellectually.
Gotta say i knew this already but i was trying to give you a chance to step up.
Oh well.

You are dismissed.
ManicMicah · 22-25, M
Not at all! You love who you love! Nobody just decides to be gay, the same way nobody decides to be straight. You are who you are. I'm gay and have been pretty much my entire life. I never even thought about it much.
Homosexuality is a naturally occurring variance in sexual orientation that can be found in nearly all higher species of animals. Stop waving the Bibles and Qurans folks, it's called science.
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
Aphrodite, do you really have nothing better to do than act like a fool on SW? I won't ask you to leave because it's not my post, but you should really grow the fuck up. Just sayin' 😉
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
Why? All he did was ask a question. A sincere question. There is nothing wrong with it. People are so incredibly rude.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

It's not insulting if it's asked in honesty, he might just be wondering and trying to determine his own standpoint on it. That's what we're here for.

Yeah i'm definitely not trying to insult anybody. I genuinely don'y know if homosexuality is a mental illness or not.
I see absolutely no problem with homosexuality. I don't think it's a bad thing in any way. I just don't know if it's a mental illnes
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

So sorry if i have caused offense.
Your profile lists your age as 41-45. Hence my assumption as to your age.
"Presume that think" is (i feel) an obvious typo that omits "i" between "that" and "think".

So to be clear, what lead you to go from my question about why you would regard heterosexuality as a mental illness to calling me stupid and ignorant?
Is being straight?
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
I am bisexual, and I am not offended whatsoever. He is trying to learn, that is never a crime. So what if he doesn't know that it's not a mental illness... He's asking to find out. Isn't that better than mindlessly making a judgement? You people are unbelievable.
AccountNotFound · 100+, F
im pretty sure he's not stupid. it's more, he's pushing and provoking people to talk. the way he write and replies should be a clear sign of that. better to just throw few words to voice your opinion and leave.
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
It isn't, it's actually very normal to be attracted to both sexes, there was a time when most people were bisexual, it wasn't ever a thing before religion came around and made it a thing.
I honestly don't think he's being rude or homophobic at all. If I did, believe me I'd say. This is an interesting discussion with lots of people making good points.
WiltingRose · 26-30, F
I think it's just another thing. Like some people are left handed. It just is.

That is for some cases. In others, it is from abuse at young ages.
Lol Wuuut?

Its a sexuality. That probably was hidden for ages and ages because of the stigma it carries but I am sure its not a new thing.
Why don't you try to ask AT LEAST reasonably intelligent questions perhaps?

I like fun and silly questions that are purposely stupid for the heck of it. But this is just HORRIBLE.

And I never claimed to be nearly 50, but I presume that's your attempt at an insult? I'm guessing, or perhaps you are just showing off again about being stupid?

And no you don't follow me at all, you seem to have no clue..

Your take on what I said is totally incorrect.

Oh I see he's been suspended now, he's got the circle with the line through it.. or the circle of SW death as I like to call it :P
AccountNotFound · 100+, F

not really. its actually only a few selected people who do that and those few selected are those in position of power.
from your reply, i can clearly see that you're not informed enough to give a better answer to my question so i'll stop here but if you're really curious on why i wrote a few selected people then do a little research. you'll be surprised that there is no ''statistical majority'' involved at all ^^
Why don't you go and wait on some tables or whatever it is you do in your spare time.. BYE!
@Coolman86, you seem very weird too.. so is that a compliment or insult?
Of course it's not a mental illness. That's a silly and insulting thing to say.
@island try to stay on topic. My brain can't handle another male feminist rant tonight
Are you gay and trying to put it down to mental illness? That is very sad really ..
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

You think so? I don't ever remember choosing to be strait. Did you?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

lol i don't think so. Just an all too common state of mind
I don't thinking being gay is a mental illness at all.
Unparalleledmonster - I am not afraid of complicated. I just don't have time.

They are not separate issues. You said gay and brought in pedophilia, well rape is also a sexual attraction that is a mental illness. So all related issues.

People have to use their common sense. There are some sexual attractions that harm one party and those are more than likely a mental illness. And there are some sexual attractions that harm no one and they should not be a mental illness, just an out of normally accepted urges for lack of a better word.

And then there are those who are sexually attracted to inanimate objects. Whereas no one gets harmed this is very much against normal and it would be a mental illness of sorts but unharmful. This kind of relation fulfils no emotional or mental need.

So I say, its a gray area. There is no cut line where you can blanket write off people as mentally ill just because they are not straight.

Hikingguy · 56-60, M
TheMightyAphrodite - go get him! Bitch slap him around some more!
ManicMicah · 22-25, M
Nobody decides to be gay. It just doesn't happen.
No. And the American Psychiatric Association (the experts) no longer classify it as such. I believe bigotry IS one, however. 😒
@TheMightyAphrodite: Bravo!
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Ignoring the sarcasm, you'll find i described it as the "Statistical norm" which is (obvioulsy) determined by statistics and not by a decision of the powerful minority or anyone else.
You're welcome for the info
AccountNotFound · 100+, F

And i said the norm is established by the statistical majority.
That's what norm means

wow ty for enlightening me.
now i need to go see my profs and tell them that they were wrong in not teaching me the real meaning of norm, that norm means statistical majority...they also said some bullcrap about norms and rules being made/created by people in power...which i thought it meant a minority of people because i never knew that majority of the people are in power and can make norms and rules...
sigh, day ruined. ty for the info

on a serious note. you should look up what norm means and how and who creats them.
good day/night.
@RisingVirginia: I get what you're saying. My reaction is due to narrow minded people automatically assuming it's a mental defect. Of course most of those same people (mainly men) assume women are meant to serve men.
@UnparalleledMonster: Are you always this stupid or are you just acting up this evening? Your ignorance is amazing me.

Please either stop and desist from this behavior or alternatively...

1925 called, they want you back..
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

I'm sorry if you took offense. I genuinely did not mean any.
I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay. I just don't know if it's a mental illness or not.

So what insight can you offer on the subject?
If you think it's a choice then being straight is a choice that you you're bisexual but choose to only go with the opposite sex. That explains why those people are so butt hurt (no pun intended)
LJ123 · 46-50, F
Of course not.
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
An ilness is a sickness or disease.

Homosexuality is neither.

Mental ilness is a serious problem, it gets undermined as one when people equate it to things like this.
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
He was just pointing something out, reminding her that not everything on the Internet is true, he didn't even say THAT wasn't true! What a silly thing to pick at him about.
AccountNotFound · 100+, F

i was talking about your repply to my question ' who makes the norms?' because you said this
i guess being straight is the norm and "natural" in so...
LJ123 · 46-50, F
@Unparalleled - Pardon the interruption, but lets be clear on one thing. 41-45 is NOT nearly 50. Thank u. Please proceed with your conversation.

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