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coolman86 · 36-40, M
nice neither am I thought I was[bursts out into tears]

kindashyone · 41-45, F
You should never think that about yourself
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@kindashyone I want you
GoneRogue · 51-55, M
If you know you're a great guy then just be yourself. Why do you have to prove yourself to anyone? The fact you feel you need to show them to be accepted seems to me that you feel you're not good enough for them.

I want to challenge you. Next time you see a woman that you're sure is waaaaaaay out of your league, go talk to her. Don't try to pick her up. Just talk to her on equal terms. Now since she's way out of your league, a rejection is what is to be expected. Therefore you got nothing to lose. Just see it as practice. See it as a game and the object is just to try to keep her talking to you as long as possible before she walks off. But you might be surprised by the results.
GoneRogue · 51-55, M
Pink is right. I used to lack confidence and asked myself that same question. But I realized that it wasn't that women didn't think I wasn't good enough, I was thinking I wasn't good enough for them. When I realized that I was actually a great guy and became more confident about it, I noticed women were a lot more attracted to me. I realized that proving my love for a woman is absolutely not the same thing as trying to prove I'm good enough for a woman. In my experience the latter is a big turn off. But don't ask me. Ask the ladies who commented on your post.
It's not that you're not good enough.. it sounds like you lack confidence. Confidence is important and an attractive quality.
mlihere · 56-60, M
@Gone..I will try that. I just have to gather my courage.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
You work for the post office?
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Louiserose · 26-30, T
don't be scared, just keep walking so fast towards her the only thing you think of is hi, pretty girls arent all horrible, they can be kind
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mlihere · 56-60, M
@Yancey Glad there is no in between. I settle for things too much in my life, I need to get the best, so should everyone.
Carissimi · F
@mlihere Fake it till you make it doesn't work for everyone. The best way to be develop confidence is to be truthful and take responsibility for everything you do. Own everything about yourself. The good with the bad, then be the best person you can be. Stand strong in your own convictions.

Listen to Jordan Peterson on YouTube. He's brilliant.
mlihere · 56-60, M
@Carissimi Thanks you for your wisdom. I will check out his videos.
Ynotisay · M
Keep thinking like that and you won't be.
Thoughts become things dude. It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Then, LovelyB, he gets a bad combover, makes a million bucks, and thinks he should be president. Ah, them peasants!
mlihere · 56-60, M
@Pink..Yes, I do lack confidence unfortunately. I am afraid to say the wrong things. Upsetting people.
You didn't hike high enough. That's why
mlihere · 56-60, M
Can one fake confidence? I am so afraid to be wrong sometimes. I hesitate to give my opinion on something and then finding out my opinion is wrong because I didn't consider all the facts. I don't want to be a ditherer.
VioletRayne · 31-35, F
you gotta look at it like this. It's not that you're not good enough for anyone, it's that nones good enough for you. Then you hold your head high when those pesants walk by
Louiserose · 26-30, T
you are, just some people are really horrible and make people feel bad about themselves 😒
mlihere · 56-60, M
@Gone...I know I am a great guy, but how do I show it to others and they accept me that way?
mlihere · 56-60, M
@Laser...I don't matter who I hang with, it's always the same.
lasergraph · 70-79, M
Maybe just hanging in the wrong crowd
Carissimi · F
What makes you say that? Be specific.

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