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restinside1 · 41-45, F
If I have known someone a long time i can be good and keep it going but if someone i don't know well i struggle to keep up conversation out of nervousness .

Most of the time, I'm bad at it.

But with the right people, I could go on talking forever.
Equanimous · 51-55, M
Its a very a small circle of people with whom I can go about talking for long. Else, I am comfortable just being in my own thoughts.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@poochie in some circles bursting into unrelated song is definitional of "unable to maintain conversation"
Most circles.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@Poochie, issues, maybe, but I hope they're not very very serious.

@Coraline, I feel for ya deary.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
I have ASD, so I suck at initiating, and sometimes at keeping them going.
Elegy · 46-50
Initiating good but bad at the keep up unless there is genuine interest from both sides.
Coraline · F
if other people wouldt talk to me first i wouldnt talk to anyone at all
When I intend, am the best and the graph is like sensex at other times, going down n down.
I'm good at starting them. I usually suck at keeping them going
A7 - I'm not even good at starting them.
Art - yeah that's fair enough.
Vetrov · 61-69, M
The world heavyweight champion!!!
Jeffie · 46-50, M
Unbelievably horrid at it:)
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
Not very bad and not very good ....
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
@Aido that's my way of living ... 😋
Calmsoul - so neutral? :P
depends on the person
Sepia · 36-40, F
I'm moody :(
mic11225 · 26-30, M
xmedleft · 51-55, M
Poochie, I want to take that a good way, feel complimented and special, but your devil emoji... he says, "Jjjjj, this hug isn't going to go welllll." lol
Unicorn - true for me. Its very few people I can keep talking to endlessly.
Calmsoul - where is the passion if it is all neutral?
xmedleft · 51-55, M
yes, ma'am, and thank you, can I have another?
xmedleft · 51-55, M
ohh, do it anyways!
xmedleft · 51-55, M
poochie, perfect!
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Very bad 😶

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