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restinside1 · 41-45, F
Helping others .Spending time with family and friends. Having a bath

Exercise and being outdoors
WiltingRose · 26-30, F
The days that my face looks pretty makes me feel good of myself also. It is barely, so I appreciate it when it comes. And when I write really good(poem, essay, story, etc.) And when I teach people new things! Love that!
I'm a tactile person so a massage, sunbathing, burning a scented candle, and/or listening to certain pieces of music will do it for me.
Mahjack · 31-35, M
Jogging / running every morning or almost every morning, lol.

And pleasing others / have a nice conversation with them
Brooksy · 41-45, M
Wow, I'm reading everyone else's and I'm like... Brooksy, you're pretty shallow
Mahjack · 31-35, M
Brooksy, did you walk out of your office laughing? :P
Brooksy · 41-45, M
I always do when you're around, brotha!
WiltingRose · 26-30, F
Haha, yours is fine, Brooksy.
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
Helping others.
Being good.. :)
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
I now it is Thoughts but you're wrong. Despite the word itself you don't have to be a fool to be fooled. Even the most intelligent can be fooled!

...ok, wanna see my Nips? lol :P
Brooksy · 41-45, M
Mine's weird...when I get sweaty, my shirt clings to my delts and traps, which are my most developed muscles and I look like a straight beast. It's when I get the most compliments in the gym.
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
I did, right up until the last of the concrete covered her completely...joking before someone calls Interpol!! :)
amazinglife · 46-50, F
That I am making the people around me happy...Making a difference.
Eating right and living a healthy lifestyle.
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
Thoughts...Far from it, you are a very intelligent lass, you couldn't be further from being a fool if you tried!
MuteMeDaddy · 18-21, F
That I have a mouth and I can speak about my opinion and what's right or wrong
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
Hmmm, I don't like the word flattery, does that not mean it's insincere?'s not ;)
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
That I'm afraid is a promise I cannot make!...but I'll try if you will lol
Treating others with respect helping oeople who need help and going to the gym
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
Thoughts...believe me no one would have blamed me ;)

You iz much more cleverer than me :)
WiltingRose · 26-30, F
When I help others to have a better life and see the good in themselves.
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
The volunteer firefighting...but does that not make me selfish if I feel good about it? o.o
TSE - if I hug you promise not to poke me with your nips? :P LOL
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M I am selfish and self centred!!! the first wife was right o.o
Equanimous · 51-55, M
There are a few, "best dad" card from my kids tops it :)
helping someone or making them happy
agreatday · 56-60, M
that I treat people with respect.
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
...and true Thoughts, oh wisened one :)
Brooksy · 41-45, M
Being good, Epic... Really? -.-
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
When I serve others.
when i get good grades
Art- that's sweet. :)
Gah you mad man. :D
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
Maybe a little :D
Elegy · 46-50
TSE - everything we do is first for us. It is first a selfish need. If it does good to others then that gets called caring and whatnot. But first, it is for us.
LOL. Always listen to wives. First or Tenth. :P

But on a serious note, we all are selfish first. The levels differ. Some of our selfishes end up doing good to others.
TSE - hmm. Eh, its just how I feel. Fret not. :D Lets get back to laughing, lol.
LOL TSE!!! You meanie.

And ah you're wise one yourself, I just yap a lot.
TSE - I find the opposite to be true. I find me much much of a fool.
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
Mad about you is a lot, mad crazy is a little :D
TSE - the flatteries are rolling in thick. :P
A'ight. :)

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