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lovingdead · 31-35, M
I know it's hard but please don't waste your time trying to figure out the mindset of a moron.

Look in the mirror and see what he lost, and it is for her that you carry on and go find happiness.
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
@lovingdead thank you
That’s very meaningful
lovingdead · 31-35, M
@Aw3someness I apologize that there's no magic words to make the pain go away, frustration subside, and all the love and time you so freely gave away be returned. But just keep reminding yourself that with tomorrow comes a new day. Or hop online and many people here will remind you.
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
@lovingdead awe thank you

LyricalOne · F
Yes, that's part of the manipulation. You're not lost. It's just his game. Let him play it alone.
LyricalOne · F
@Aw3someness And bravo to you for having the courage to stand up for yourself and leave. Just keep moving forward and I wish you all the best.
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
@LyricalOne thank you
LyricalOne · F
@Aw3someness And shout out to NYC. That's my hometown but I got out 8 years ago and the living is a lot easier.
Don't turn around, just keep walking away
Simply move on...
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got.
It's manipulation and he's blaming you so to make himself feel less guilty about this. Childish. Ignore it. We all know it's his fault.
Because he's using his intimidation techniques to make you feel as though you are to blame for his behavior and the way he treats you. When a person feels as though without them you are nothing its because it is quite the opposite.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
He probably is the first one to believe his own bullshit.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
@Aw3someness I rented an apartment and left. My oldest son demanded he come with me. He was old enough to understand what was going on and didn't want anything to do with his mother.
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
Oh man well I have two kids where ever I go they go
I hope next year I’ll be in my own place
Steve42 · 56-60, M
@Aw3someness I have three.
HannahBannah · 22-25, F
u stayed with him for 10 years!?!?!?!
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
@HannahBannah well I found out when we had two kids already and 4 years in
I made the mistake not walking out then
And now it’s been hell since
HannahBannah · 22-25, F
@Aw3someness oooooooh. Why dont u just leave now instead of waiting another 6 years? Whats ths point if ur miserable?
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
@HannahBannah well I have two kids in nyc
Rent isn’t cheap
I want to relocate to another state
I need to save for a car and the place so it’s gonna take time but imma get it done
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
How could someone sleep around on you? You’re so beautiful.
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
@Aw3someness Really? Maybe this is ignorant but I figured finding a new partner would be fairly easy for a pretty woman like you. (Not trying to be creepy in saying that, just honest lol.)
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Chickie · F
I believe that it doesn't matter if you were the best if he had or bad a cheater will cheat when the opportunity comes because they are assholes.

Also, I've read that men who were sexually abused or have mommy issues become habitual cheaters.

You deserve better
Aw3someness · 31-35, F
@Chickie thank you
@Chickie You said that right!!!
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
It's his way for protecting himself from the truth that he was a bad person to you. you have to look at it that way.

Sounds like you did the right thing
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Nothing is your fault here.
He's just shedding any level of responsibility to justify his actions
SomeHand · 31-35, M
You might miss him, but it is better not to because you will find way someone way better.

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