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recoveringman · 56-60, M
That is a very interesting question. I can't argue that it's not a sin. However, for someone who is gay, I know I can't be their judge. That is God's job. We have been instructed to love on another. I've had to deal with this in my own family, so I have struggled with it. That may not answer your question, but it's where I'm at.

Itsprincess · 22-25, F
On a serious note though what is the point of this? Is it so that you can convert people to athiesm? Because obviously your interest isn't about genuinely wanting to know people's opinions but trying to fight against people's opinions by giving the one that you think is right. I'd love it if all religions and people could get along for once without intimidating others like this
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
I know but I don't think that is relevant to this time right now. Yes they do, we all do to some extent. I feel like what he says aren't rules, they are guidance. Written to get us out of trouble and hurt if we want to stay out of it. It's like when your friend wants to get in a relationship with someone who just wants sex and you advise her not to because it'll only hurt her in the future when it inevitably ends. That's love. Like each one of the 'rules' is there to prevent you harming yourself and others. For example like with homosexuality, it does spread diseases such as HIV and I feel like that is part of the reason God calls it a sin, because if you were to die from it or kill someone else from it if it develops into aids then it is causing harm. Can't sleep lol but ttyl
Ynotjenn · F
I don't understand how you think loving someone "endorses" their behavior. I love people who do horrible things...because that's what I'm called to do. You're not going to change their ways by hating what's the point?
I have a gay son. Do I want him to be gay? No. Do I approve? I would prefer for him to have a wife and children someday....because I'm his Mom. But ya know what? He would prefer to not be gay as well.
My love is not conditional based on you being a perfect person. I'm not perfect either and hate breeds hate.
Read the first 4 books of the New Testament. Read Sermon on the Mount. Read about love.
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
There is a difference between encouraging it and tolerating it. I won't cheer people on for it, but I wont interfere with people's decision on it either. I just don't say anything
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
I meant that in a way that I am allowing them to get married, not supporting it, but allowing it. I should've used that word if I didn't make that clear enough. I think that maybe you don't understand that whilst Christians or another group don't want people to sin, we are nobody to judge them or stop them. To do that would be denying their free will as a person. I think you're against Christianity. I wasn't expecting a debate because you asked a question. You seemed interested, but then I realised you were just looking for an argument. An attack literally means to criticise or oppose publicly. That's exactly what you're doing lol. but hey I am pretty sensitive as a person to be fair 😂
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
Because like I said if it wasn't allowed more people would be against Christianity than ever before and therefore they are more likely to sin. Yes which means you're against it because you don't agree with the 'inconsistencies' in the belief. We as human beings have invented what's logical based on the scientific knowledge we have today. There is so much science we don't know yet people still live in this tiny restricted box of what makes sense to them because its all we know so far. i think you were rude and harsh when you sarcastically said God loves people.
pennfifteen · 31-35, M
The Bible also says to love and respect and accept others. Christians can be opposed to homosexuality personally and still accept those who are gay.
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
It does yes, but what makes people even more tempted is when it is not allowed or forbidden. I'm not going to go into the science behind why homosexuality exiss but whilst controversial, I feel like part of it is wanting to feel taboo, or wanting attention etc. (Only Some reasons, obviously doesn't account for all people situations). If it was to be normalised, people wouldn't do it for the taboo reasons, or for wanting attention.
pennfifteen · 31-35, M
@unparalleledmonster one of those causes harm, one doesn't. Big difference.
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
Because one sin is harming others, one isn't. The effects of one are much bigger and involve other people being effected. Why shouldn't I stand in the way of that? Because like I said, it's not harming anyone, it is their decision because we were given free will. It would be stupid to stand in the way of gay marriage because regardless gay couples will be together.
SoFine · 46-50, F
We cannot "Judge"
We are here to Love one another.
Love ....
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

I never said I support it

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I said that endorsing their behavior included supporting gay marraige.
You said
I am because who am I to stop them from making choices?
which i took to mean you were supportive of gay marriage. SO to be clear: you don not think gays should be allowed to marry?

You don't seem to be examining points of view when you're throwing your own in too.

Well for starters i'd be interested to see what you believe my point of view to be.
Secondly i'm not sure how you expect to have a debate without the exchange of to competing points of view...

when you are trying to prove people wrong and persuade them off their religion it's annoying.

See, this is what i'm saying about people being too sensitive. If someone presents an alternative opinion and argues the point that is viewed as an attack.
It's just debate, people.
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
You come to that conclusion because you notice like I just said, that people can do what they want and God said that he gave us free will. Therefore I'm not going to go around bashing people for their choices, and I will accept them as long as they are not harming anyone. Because God loves everyone
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Because one sin is harming others, one isn't

While i agree that one sin is unquestionably worse than the other, this is not a debate about severity. This isn't a question of who it harms. This is about the word of god.
It's a sin according to god.
Now, you don't have to hate the sinner but why would you support making it easier for them to sin?

It would be stupid to stand in the way of gay marriage because regardless gay couples will be together

People are going to commit adultery. Should you make it easy and socially acceptable for them to do so?
People are going to give false witness. Should you make that easier for them just because you can't stop them?
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
No because the general belief is that it is wrong because it causes harm, so their resentment won't be directed at religion but at society's values. Thanks, you too
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
I am because who am I to stop them from making choices? I've said this so many times lol. Gay marriage doesn't stop homosexuality happening so what's the difference.
mystory2 · 26-30, F
@itsprincess thank you, that's why we have free will he's our God not a dictator therefore we can make our own choices, choicing our fate
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
It doesn't make it easier for them to sin. A ring doesn't make it easier for them to be gay. That's a completely different situation, again, involving harm. i
mystory2 · 26-30, F
It's not so much as accepting their sin but them, if everyone loved how we were supposed the world would be 100% better
Ynotjenn · F
Define "supporting"...
If my son gets married, I will go.
That doesn't mean I'm carrying around a clipboard and asking for signatures
mystory2 · 26-30, F
@ unparalleledmonster she is right though because they have the freewill to be gay, we aren't god so it isn't our place to stop them
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well Jesus did say that christians would be hated but not to back down.
I don't think questioning the inconsistencies makes me against christianity. Don't most christians try to make sense of the world as they see it vs what the bible teaches?

Sorry you felt that was rude. I guess it might sound harsh but i won't back down from that.
I still feel that if god loves in any way that we understand the word then that means he should love you more than he loves his rules.

Talk to you later
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
I never said I support it. I said I don't get involved but I tolerate it. We aren't God like mystory2 said, so we don't get to decide what people can and can't do if it's a choice they're making that only effects them. You don't seem to be examining points of view when you're throwing your own in too. Disagreement and debate is fine but when you are trying to prove people wrong and persuade them off their religion it's annoying.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

It's a sin.
Just like murder.

People make the choice to murder. Does that mean we should make no effort to prevent the sinner from committing that sin?

People make the choice to engage in homosexual behavior and marriage. Why shouldn't you try to stand in the way of that?
Should you not do what you can to prevent that sinner from sinning?

Please note i am not equating homosexuality to murder in any capacity beyond that they are both sins in the bible
mystory2 · 26-30, F
@itsprincess, I think we both fell for that I also responded not expecting a long drawn out debate
walabby · 61-69, M
God created approximately 2 1/2 % of all people, hard core gay. I am not going to judge God on why He did that...
Ynotjenn · F
The New Testament is all about love. You don't have to agree with someone's lifestyle to love on them.
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
@mystory2 yeah I keep seeing people bashing Christianity and it's getting kinda old now:)
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

I'm afraid i still don;t get the distinction of allowing it because people have free will but not supporting it.

I'm not against Christianity at all. I just like talking about apparent logical inconsistencies in the belief.

Again, what do you think a debate is? I don't think i was rude or harsh. I think debated the points you were making. Why should that feel aggressive to you?
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
And even if it 'tempted' more people to sin, nothing has changed still! It's people's choice and whilst I want the best for them I believe that denying them of what they want will only cause resentment against Christianity which will cause more sins. I'm so tired lmao it's way past my bedtime, goodnight I'm out for now 😊😴
mystory2 · 26-30, F
@itsprincess exactly wat I was trying to say
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

A ring and the endorsement of their sinful relationship makes it socially acceptable and necessarily negates the inclination to attempt to resist that sinful lifestyle.

If you say to anyone "yes, you have society's permission to do behavior 'x' ", do you not think that more people will do behavior 'x'?
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
@mystory2 yeah that's what I think too:)
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Of course. But that's not relevant. Both are sins. I agree that in our human judgement murder should absolutely be the worse sin but we're not discussing severity.
Princess is saying that she supports gay marriage because she has no place stopping people from making choices that the bible teaches her are wrong
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Sure god loves everyone. But that doesn't mean you should encourage and facilitate a sinner does it?
The bible tells us that homosexuality is wrong. You can accept the person as a sinner along with everyone else but what leads you to encourage their sin?
mystory2 · 26-30, F
@itsprincess I totally agree
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
@mystory2 yeah haha
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

I'm sorry you feel like you "fell" for something.
I didn't announce that this would be a debate but for future reference if i ask a question with differing points of view, expect to defend your position
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

The point of this is to examine various points of view.
I think people are a little too sensitive these days since they appear to feel that disagreement and debate constitutes an attack or an agenda
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

....i feel like that isn't really an answer.
I'm asking how people come to that conclusion, not how they have the ability/freedom to come to that conclusion
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well im sure adulterers resent people making it hard on them too. Not sure that means would should accept their dirty doings.

Ok, have a nice night
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well apparently he loves all his children. Just not so much that he'll actually openly show himself and secure all of our eternal souls in paradise
Itsprincess · 22-25, F
If you read the bible you'll understand he is not an actual physical form that can show himself. On top of that, we choose our own fate at our own choice.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

It's pretty unequivocal on the subject of homosexuality.
There's no ambiguous maybe it's ok, maybe it's not.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

So then you're not one of the people who thinks gays should be allowed to get married
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

yeah love the sinner. hate the son.
But why endorse something explicitly prohibited in the bible?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

By endorsing their behavior i mean supporting things like gay marriage
mystory2 · 26-30, F
We figure because God loves ALL of his children equally and welcomes everyones
Ynotjenn · F
I think it's none of my business. That's between them and God ❤️

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