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KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
Just the 2 more I'm currently baking.
I have 2 already both boys 10 & 7
Madeleine · 41-45, F
May God grant you the family you dreamt of.
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@Madeleine: thank you, I had actually given up on my "dream" earlier this year. But I got pregnant unexpectedly, before I knew we'd have twins I thought I'd end up having another miscarriage but I have a feeling this is it! Days before I found out we were having twins I told my husband regardless of the results this is it, no more trying, I'm getting an ablation and going on BC and he's getting a vasectomy (I've gotten pregnant twice while on BC and I've had a total of 5 miscarriages since 2012 - the last 4 being in the last 24 months)
So when we found out it was twins my husband smiled at me and said someone obviously has bigger plans for you than you think.
I've suffered a lot since I was a little girl my husband says this is my reward for all I've been through - my family, my difficult experiences have made me a strong but understanding mother - according to him.

& according to my mother I've always known I'd have my 4, I've described my life to her as a child and she says it's eerily accurate. So hopefully all goes well.

Thank you!
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@Tristemuneca: My heart is praying for you.
I like at least 4 children.
@Tristemuneca: almost same. I only have one sister who is 9 years older than me. I always wanted a brother around my age. I am not married yet, but when I am married I want 4 children.
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@DragonBorn: I hope you find a partner who want the same.
My husband knew full on what I wanted. He always scratched his said and said "ok but be prepared I have 5 siblings and we're always fighting"
I said to him that's because you're parents raised you differently than the way my family raised their children.
We're a tight knit bunch and yes even though there were arguments there was a lot more laughs and fund than anything else.
It wasn't until he met my family (extended) that he understood how different we were raised. Now he prefers to spend holidays with my extended family than his own family! Lol
@Tristemuneca: I am shocked how our stories are so similar. I have a girlfriend who has 3 siblings (with her 4 all are girls). she was saying the same thing that they are fighting and all. yeah she wants 4 too. :)
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
The real question to ask is
"How many kids do you think you may have but don't know about?"

Answers to this question is what makes Father's Day so confusing at times

For me just for the record it's zero
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@Tristemuneca: truth ;)
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@yeronlyman: so you say lol
Madeleine · 41-45, F
Hahaha that's scary.
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Madeleine · 41-45, F
@ashu37: Having big families is a good thing.
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Madeleine · 41-45, F
@ashu37: They help each other.
I'd no want at least one more. I have 3 girls but want a boy.
More? Zero is more than enough in this stage of life lol
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KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@saintpierre: you said 101- I thought you were making a reference to 101 Dalmatians, pongo is the daddy Dalmatian.
Never mind lol
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KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@saintpierre: 😂😂😂
Zero more than my current zero.
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i will have only one
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Humanbeing · M
Islam tells breed more children
Madeleine · 41-45, F
Islam also tells you to take care of your children.
Humanbeing · M
@Madeleine: most Muslim breed more children even after they can't afford to feed them fully.they get malnourished..
I have seen it ,still going on.
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@Humanbeing: Number of children has nothing to do with religion. Big families come from different backgrounds. However, we (Muslims) believe that sustenance is in the hands of God. Being poor or rich has nothing to do with number of kids you have.
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