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EndlessNameless8536-40, M
What size shoe do you wear?
NorthernRoses26-30, F
@EndlessNameless85 EU size 40
EndlessNameless8536-40, M
@NorthernRoses Wow that's big... not in a bad way, I mean.
NorthernRoses26-30, F
@EndlessNameless85 What can I say, need those support plank feet to make sure my long bod won't just topple over when I stand still

walabby61-69, M
Are you snowed in?
walabby61-69, M
@NorthernRoses You are in Norway, aren't you?
NorthernRoses26-30, F
@walabby Yeah!
walabby61-69, M
@NorthernRoses I assume that you'd get a lot of snow there.
What do you think of me?
@walabby She comes and goes a lot. It鈥檚 cool. I was just curious. I really think she鈥檚 neat. 馃槉
walabby61-69, M
@DarkHeaven Just as long as she keeps coming and going, I guess... :)
@walabby 鉁岋笍
vetguy199151-55, M
Favorite car
vetguy199151-55, M
@NorthernRoses is that what you have right now
NorthernRoses26-30, F
@vetguy1991 No, I don't really like driving. Prefer walking or public transportation :P

My dad used to love those for some reason, so he'd drive one and have like 3-4 extras in our car garage or w/e it's called. I can probably recognize that specific model from a distance at this point
vetguy199151-55, M
@NorthernRoses lol cool
What's your favorite Disney movie?
NorthernRoses26-30, F
@LittleBlueAngelBoy Treasure Planet!
NorthernRoses26-30, F
@canusernamebemyusername They're my namesake so I figured "why not"

Also wolves are cool, let's be real
Kerrmit8436-40, M
What's the best thing about living in Norway
Can you beer me?

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