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Voice of America Gagged

The latest sign of paranoia and media control is the closing of the Voice of America and associated radio services. Apparently this bastion of journalistic integrity sometimes reports things which Trump doesn't like so is therefore to be closed forthwith. The desire to control absolutely everything is now rampant.

More destruction of America's soft power which will never be regained. It's so easy to destroy something and so challenging to create. Honest journalists in the States have fewer and fewer outlets to give a broad view of the world. Free Speech? Hmm.

Edited to correct typo
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bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
"Free speech for me, not for thee."


Toofargone · 26-30, F
You had no idea when Micheal savage and other journalists had their talk shows shut down during biden's reign. You are do one dimensional
Toofargone · 26-30, F
@trollslayer doesn't matter how you look at it, it's the same thing. The only difference is you were only told to care about one
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Toofargone · 26-30, F
@trollslayer in your mind the worse i look the better. It's like you choose to be wrong
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
CGTN or RT anyone?
swirlie · F
Did you not get your copy of 'THE BIG PICTURE', Freddie?

The USA is the greatest country in the world and people from everywhere are flocking to be there.

How could you possibly misconstrue your perception of The Big Picture?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Liberals fear free speech not conservatives
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@trollslayer Absolutely. And if folks weren’t convinced by his reaction to losing in 2020, they really weren’t paying attention. 🤨
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard They are showing themselves to be very sore winners as well. I don't get it.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@dubkebab negativity sells better than positivity.

Unfortunately it always has.

Conspiracy theories sustain this administration.

The deep state conspiracy being a big one.

News agencies are apart of the deep state by the MAGA crowd. Don't trust anything they say, but the MAGA crowd.

They are the only ones that have it right, by their thinking. And they always say they are the only ones that have thought it through.

It's pure fanaticism. Hence anyone that disagrees with them has mysteriously: "drunk the coolaide". Meaning the deep states reasoning.

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