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Oh golly! I’m listening to The Witch Farm on BBC

It’s so interesting and scary!
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I just listened to that last night lol - how far are you into it?
Gangstress · 41-45, F
nice one! will check em out @Strongtea
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I don’t want to bombard you with stuff but Tanis and Rabbits (both by the same people) are my favourite podcasts ever and I reckon you’ll like. They’re on apple podcasts or wherever else but not on BBC. I’ll not recommend any more for a while I promise@Gangstress
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I listen to them at work so its always nice to have some suggestions! so thank you again lol

also look at us being civil again @Strongtea
Sepia · 36-40, F
Do I have to be a BBC member so I can listen to it?
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I’m not sure how it works in other countries, you don’t need to pay to listen to BBC stuff here (you do need to pay to watch tho.) you could try downloading the BBC Sounds app and see if it works. It’s worth it if it does.@Sepia
Sepia · 36-40, F
@Strongtea I’ll try on VPN if it works 🤭
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Good idea, I think 😬😜@Sepia

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