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Motivational Quotes

Pain needs attention,
Its Attention needs your attention.

Before you heal others ;
Reflect on Your self-wound to be healed.

emotions are invisible faces that appear when you hide them instead of healing.

Don't let it pass through whom you encounter affecting them poorly.

More healing brings less attention as affection, disagreement as attack, and attachment as a connection.

Straight up
Have peace ✌

Aliya Nahid [quote]
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in10RjFox · M
Pain needs attention,
Its Attention needs your attention.

There is a lot of difference between need and want.

Pain wants attention, that's why it pains.
AliyaNahid · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox That is why I elaborating to you on it, You better re-read my quote, pain needs your attention means it asks you to not evade it, focus on it. Many do not heal the pain and carried an old burden leading them to a miserable life.
AliyaNahid · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox I say it again, you
Give up if you can't comprehend, every word has a different meaning and is taken based on the context. If you wanna go against the grain, it is you who are accountable.
in10RjFox · M
@AliyaNahid I repeat... There is a lot of difference between need and want. You are using it as synonym.

Pain wants MY attention, that's why it pains. To attend to it or ignore it or live with it is my choice. Depends on my need at that time. If I need to go somewhere, then I would attend to it. But if I had wanted to go somewhere, then I may just not go.
AliyaNahid · 26-30, F
Thank you for your motivation ☺
in10RjFox · M
Before you heal others ;
Reflect on Your self-wound to be healed.

Like how you heal others wounds , let your wounds be healed by others.

If you can reflect on your wounds, then others too can reflect on theirs and heal themselves. Then don't heal others unwantedly.
AliyaNahid · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox You are confused to get
in10RjFox · M
@AliyaNahid if one can heal themselves by reflecting on their wounds, then where is the question of healing others!
scorpio611 · 41-45, M
Peace is so hard to achieve.
Gamma · 26-30, M

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