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bookerdana · M
Do you have Tinnitus?
Idk if its odd but I was lucky to be Mom kept miscarrying after the birth of my older brother to the point where the Ob-Gyn exclaimed,"What do you two think you are ..rabbits???🐰
My parents just laughed and eventually had three sons
Idk if its odd but I was lucky to be Mom kept miscarrying after the birth of my older brother to the point where the Ob-Gyn exclaimed,"What do you two think you are ..rabbits???🐰
My parents just laughed and eventually had three sons
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LadyGrace · 70-79
@bookerdana that was a very interesting story. Thank you for that.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@bookerdana Alright then. I will do it.
bookerdana · M
@LadyGrace you're very parents were very cool ☺️ i think a google search for Tinnitus is forthcoming ,sometimes google is your friend
leowander · M
I published a novelisation of Titanic in British English. Titanic: Rose Walsh McLean's Story published by The Book Guild Ltd. in 2016. It took a nine-month rewrite to keep it from being discarded as an unsolicited submission. My last reviewer on Amazon gave it two stars.
leowander · M
@LadyGrace Rose Walsh McLean is a fictitious character named after the Denver socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean. She wore the Hope Diamond to a dinner party she had arranged one Sunday afternoon in July of 1937 in the Brown Palace Hotel. Now it's in the Smithsonian Institution and insured for two hundred fifty million dollars.
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
I've always preferred the company of animals to people. I prefer being alone and love solitude.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@luv2fly352 We are alike in that way. Animals don't set out to hurt you and they're always happy and can't wait to see you. Their love is so pure. They are a pure joy to have the privilege of loving.
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
@LadyGrace Yes indeed, "their love is so pure."
I ticked off the wrong country girl when I was 13 years old… and … she… ahem, knuckled me up fair and square. 👊🏻🥹
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User Oh wow! I'm glad you got alright.
@LadyGrace kid fists… no big deal…🙄
I applied hair oil in my hair after 12 yrs last month when I couldn't bear headache.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
They would find lots odd, I imagine
revenant · F
???? you have not had a second of pure silence. What does that mean ?