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Relationships with someone struggling with eating and image issues

I’m in a strong loving relationship, this individual has for some time has self image issues . Which I know is not uncommon, but over many months and years has progressively become an eating disorder , strangely I have supported and counselling many over the years , but I’m now in a relationship with an individual I was not totally aware was In such a situation and stage . I’m struggling with it now being no longer clinical , but someone I love and have a good friendship with . We are closer than ever , but it has affects on the progression and how our relationships has evolved in good and bad ways . Just wanted to hear respectfully from any individual who have been in either position as an individual suffering and being , feeling understood by a loved one about your emotions and feeling in regards to your eating and image , but also from someone who deeply cares for and loves someone who is struggling with these issues ?
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Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I love and deeply care for someone who struggles with this. No advice other than some of the same communities that offer support groups for individuals with eating and body dysmorphia also have support groups for their families/friends. [Similar to how AA has Alanon]
you are not their therapist so tell them to go see one
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
I’ve kinda tried that approach . But my bubble is there security , So denial comes into it , if you get whet I mean , especially if it become lovingly confrontational , in a loving and caring way @SW-User
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
better to lovingly cajole the person into getting in shape.
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
No that easy with the mindset @johntomSWPhd

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