This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
I miss her... I can still here waiting.
NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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R1582049 · F
R1582049 thinks you are Cool.

Zo1558476 · F
Zo1558476 thinks you are Lazy.

Toma, te dejo algo épico. (?
Aoi1566891 · 26-30, F
Aoi1566891 thinks you are Intelligent.

qixote · M
Quise cambiar mi número, pero mi celular ya no quiso recibir la señal, no lo sé. Perdón por no avisarte de algún modo.
User1561458 · F
Tonto que es usted. Sin dar más señales de vida.
User1561458 · F
User1561458 thinks you are Clumsy.

E1559063 · 22-25, F
E1559063 thinks you are Handsome.