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Just How Did the Biden Family relatives Get that $24 miilion Hunter sent them From Off Shore shell bank Accounts?

The Biden family Influence Peddlers..
Soon to be indicted by the Trump DOJ with the House Impeachment Inquiry Evidence

Northwest · M
You're still peddling this story of President Biden, having dinner with Hunter and a few people in 2014? The GOP oversight committee has been digging through that for years. Came up empty. Sure, Hunter had porn on his laptop. Yawn!

The only thing they came up with, is a charge of having bought a gun when he was not supposed to.

Perhaps you should be concerned with Trump's family, getting $2.5 Billion from Saudi Arabia and the GCC Countries. No one bothered to even hide that.
@Northwest @Northwest The Bidens were taking proven by the House
Where is the investigation on Trump?
Yeah! Remember when Hunter Biden used the White House to find lenders for his personal financial projects. And Hunter Biden gained 41 trademarks in China. And Hunter Biden got $640 million in outside income while working in his father's administration. And Hunter Biden negotiated a $2 billion personal real estate deal with a foreign government during his father's admin. Yeah, some of that definitely sounds illegal as hell - how could he possibly have gotten away with all that??

Oh, wait, that was Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner, my bad!!!
@ElwoodBlues The Bidens were taking proven by the House
Where is the investigation on Trump?
@Experienced33, in a fine whataboutism fallacy, pretends
The Bidens were taking proven by the House
The House Oversight Committee proved NOTHING! That's why their investigation never resulted in any charges. The only thing they had was the FBI FD-1023 form, and that turned out to be lies, which is why the FBI is now filing felony charges against the source Alexander Smirnov.

Where is the investigation on Trump?
The one that found him guilty of sexual assault?
Or the one that found 34 felonies for filing false business records?
Or maybe you mean the ongoing one into the seven slates of false electors with forged documents that Trump conspired to enlist?
walabby · 61-69, M
As of last weekend this topic is now a dead horse that you are flogging, but go for it, it's entertaining...
akindheart · 61-69, F
oh yeah. and i hope he wipes that smirk off father and son
graphite · 61-69, M
From the Biden Crime Family's influence-peddling business.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
The Big Guy got 10%
Vin53 · M
@Vin53 The Bidens were taking proven by the House
Where is the investigation on Trump?
Vin53 · M
Where is the investigation on Trump?

The investigation on trump is done. He's been indicted on 88 felonies and found guilty of 34 of them so far. Try to keep up mmmkay?

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