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Should "Former President' Biden Be Out On the Campaign Trail For His Apprentice, VP Harris?

After Being unceremoniously DUMPED by the Liberal Media, the Hollywood Crowd,
and His Own Political Party, in True LibTURD fashion?

Is he over his Covid yet? Is it a condition his doctors advised should have him step out of the race?

If he does campaign on her behalf he is still the president. Would doing so be any kind of conflict of interest?

And if he can do that then he has to be very well prepared to give coherent speeches if that is called for; otherwise he may well do damage to Kamala’s efforts.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Focus on the important part like your own party.
Isn't Trump too old to be running, couldn't he perhaps be senior? Doesn't he wear a diaper?
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