OUTRAGEOUS: Obama Judge Allows Hillary and AOC Donors Into Jury Pool in Durham Case Against Hillary Attorney Sussmann...
OUTRAGEOUS: Obama Judge Allows Hillary and AOC Donors Into Jury Pool in Durham Case Against Hillary Attorney Sussmann
Excerpt from article:
[Prosecutor John Durham is investigating the origins of the Russia collusion lie. This all leads back to Hillary. Michael Sussmann was one of Hillary’s attorneys in her failed 2016 campaign. During the summer of 2016, her campaign started rumors that candidate Donald Trump was involved with Russia. During the debates, Hillary made all this garbage up and shared it in front of the world. It was all made up by Hillary.]
This is why we will never have justice in this country. Every branch of our government has become corrupted, including the judicial branch. Judges have become political activists. To allow Hillary Clinton and AOC donors on this case into to the jury pool, just stinks to high heavens.
We are finished as a nation if we don't have fair trials and or fair elections. What Hillary, Obama and the alphabet agencies of the US government put Trump and his administration through for five plus years before and after the election was criminal. To not be held accountable for such lawless and reckless actions proves we have a two tier justice system. One for the rich and the elite, which is protected by a Leftist deep state cabal. And the other being for any people who are not connected to the elite and this Leftist cabal.
God help us as we move further away from truth and justice and closer to a banana republic. A country where truth and justice become a punch line to a joke and where corruption runs rampant and unimpeded.
Excerpt from article:
[Prosecutor John Durham is investigating the origins of the Russia collusion lie. This all leads back to Hillary. Michael Sussmann was one of Hillary’s attorneys in her failed 2016 campaign. During the summer of 2016, her campaign started rumors that candidate Donald Trump was involved with Russia. During the debates, Hillary made all this garbage up and shared it in front of the world. It was all made up by Hillary.]
This is why we will never have justice in this country. Every branch of our government has become corrupted, including the judicial branch. Judges have become political activists. To allow Hillary Clinton and AOC donors on this case into to the jury pool, just stinks to high heavens.
We are finished as a nation if we don't have fair trials and or fair elections. What Hillary, Obama and the alphabet agencies of the US government put Trump and his administration through for five plus years before and after the election was criminal. To not be held accountable for such lawless and reckless actions proves we have a two tier justice system. One for the rich and the elite, which is protected by a Leftist deep state cabal. And the other being for any people who are not connected to the elite and this Leftist cabal.
God help us as we move further away from truth and justice and closer to a banana republic. A country where truth and justice become a punch line to a joke and where corruption runs rampant and unimpeded.
56-60, M