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I Hate Donald Trump

To all you Trump supporters:

I hope you are all ashamed of yourselves after his tweet yesterday.

And if you are not, then you truly are the embodiment of what is wrong with this world. And on top of that you really are a completely worthless human being and am embarrassment to the human race
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Broache73 · 51-55, F
I totally believe that mostly we've missed the real point of what's transpired. The real issues are being avoided because no one is going to talk about why we find ourselves where we are today. Most smart and powerful Men know how to get flattery from Women and anyone else without blatant mendacity.
The larger issue here is that the American Government is a direct reflection of the American Citizenry. Donald Trump is nothing more than a Mirror of what American Culture and American Society actually is. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were a clear manifestation of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the United States. The Electorate voted for, went along with, supported, and bears full responsibility for where we find ourselves. This is really another useful distraction from the real issues that the Political Indentured Servants on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are not allowed to talk about (i.e. the Healthcare Rabbithole). The World really is laughing and shaking their heads at America and I can hardly contain my laughter and jubilation either 😃. America's Foreign Affairs is in Shambles due to the failure of our blood soaked American Imperialism, Our American Economic and Monetary Development is in Collapse since our Money is worth nothing more than playing a Monopoly game, and our $20 Trillion Dollar Debt cesspool. The American Government cannot serve the needs and interests of the American Citizenry since the Corporations, the Military Industrial Complex, K Street Lobbyists and AIPAC made sure that Washington DC is Corporate Occupied Territory.
An American Government cannot fail those it was never meant to serve...
But it's ok for the lying media to just say whatever about him and his family.
I'm not saying what he said was right, but he is at war with the media and it's about time someone put the lying media in their place. People, not just Trump, have suffered enough at the hands of lies the media dish out. The media dishes out lies upon lies about people and they need to be brought down.
Do I think Trump is an idiot? Yes, but I also see his heart for Americans. When people meet him....they know he gets it...they know he will fight to get the job done. I couldn't stand him as a human being, but I see what he is trying to do for America. No one ever thought he would be president, but now he is president. Why can't the media just give him a chance to try? I find it all to be crazy, but I gotta give him credit...he keeps things interesting. I'm going for the orange fella this time around.
Parrothead5600 · 46-50, M
@DJsmum2006: I don't think I'm smarter, I know I'm not. However if you truly believe that everything the news says about our president is a lie then you are the ignorant one.
@Parrothead5600: I didn't say that. I'm talking about the media lying in general and they most certainly have told lies. Hidden videos of reporters keeping the whole Russia thing going when they had no proof. It was all on camera.
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
@Parrothead5600: only person that's arrogant here is the person being rude and thinks other people can't have an opinion. It's people like u that make me proud that trump and Brexit happened cause people like deserve that kinda bitch slap. I can say what I want and vote for who ever I like, I don't need someone like u to tell me I'm stupid for having an opinion.
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
What exactly did he say
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
@Parrothead5600: I asked cause I can't see anything
Parrothead5600 · 46-50, M
He said that a certain female reported had talked bad about him to which he replied she was "low I.Q. Crazy Mikaalong with psycho Joe" and that she was "bleeding badly from a facelift"
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
@Parrothead5600: XDDD burn
This post isn't very informative, and your condemnation is way over the top.
Parrothead5600 · 46-50, M
@Peekaboo: you know, your right. I do apologize. Thank your for proving to all the women out there that it is ok for a man to demonize women. I thought that was wrong. I truly thought women should be empowered to fight the discrimination that our president shows towards women.

Thank you for saying that it is ok for men to do that to women. I personally thought it was wrong, but your comment just prices that it is ok to demean women
@Parrothead5600: Please learn something about grammar, spelling, and politeness before we next speak. And you've proved nothing if I never heard what he said. You're just some new hothead.
I am a Trump supporter
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Intersting... nothing changes.... how we're the ones who are to do something at another's command to change the world.

You're quite the.... activist.
You seem nice🙂
I don't even know what he said. Maybe I'm part of the problem 😞
Parrothead5600 · 46-50, M
@Quoththeraven: yes, you actually are if you live in America and have no clue with he said. Ignorance is not am excuse
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
You're not alone man.
You liberals are so hot headed. Take a chill man. You got your undies all in a twist.
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Maybe...the way to shut HIM up, is to stop talking about him. Give him no reason to bark back.
I hate you. You pussies just want handouts and shit exactly your way with no mutual compromise. Get offended bitch.
strongbow · 46-50, M
Hahaha...Trump just said what most football fans were already thinking, im glad he has the balls to say it because its true.. no go cry me a river, dipschit

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