I totally believe that mostly we've missed the real point of what's transpired. The real issues are being avoided because no one is going to talk about why we find ourselves where we are today. Most smart and powerful Men know how to get flattery from Women and anyone else without blatant mendacity.
The larger issue here is that the American Government is a direct reflection of the American Citizenry. Donald Trump is nothing more than a Mirror of what American Culture and American Society actually is. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were a clear manifestation of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the United States. The Electorate voted for, went along with, supported, and bears full responsibility for where we find ourselves. This is really another useful distraction from the real issues that the Political Indentured Servants on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are not allowed to talk about (i.e. the Healthcare Rabbithole). The World really is laughing and shaking their heads at America and I can hardly contain my laughter and jubilation either 😃. America's Foreign Affairs is in Shambles due to the failure of our blood soaked American Imperialism, Our American Economic and Monetary Development is in Collapse since our Money is worth nothing more than playing a Monopoly game, and our $20 Trillion Dollar Debt cesspool. The American Government cannot serve the needs and interests of the American Citizenry since the Corporations, the Military Industrial Complex, K Street Lobbyists and AIPAC made sure that Washington DC is Corporate Occupied Territory.
An American Government cannot fail those it was never meant to serve...