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I Hate Donald Trump

Trump Must Be Impeached - Here's Why

Washington Post
May 13, 2017
By Lawrence Tribe

The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice.

The remedy of impeachment was designed to create a last-resort mechanism for preserving our constitutional system.
It operates by removing executive-branch officials who have so abused power through what the framers called "high crimes and misdemeanors" that they cannot be trusted to continue in office.

No American president has ever been removed for such abuses, although Andrew Johnson was impeached and came within a single vote of being convicted by the Senate and removed, and Richard Nixon resigned to avoid that fate.

Now the country is faced with a president whose conduct strongly suggests that he poses a danger to our system of government.

To read more,
"Trump Must be Impeached..Here's Why"

Lawrence H. Tribe is Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School.
MichaelAFimon · 51-55, M
You forgot Former President Clinton he was impeached but also not removed from office.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
Drummer · M
@MichaelAFimon: So what!..He remained in office, didn't he?
MichaelAFimon · 51-55, M
So will Trump.
PlayaCat22 · M
But if he is impeached,then pence will assume the office, don't you think that will be worse
Drummer · M
@PlayaCat22: How can anyone be worse than Trump?

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