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You paid into Social Security all your working years and tRUMP is planning to steal the BENEFITS YOU HAVE PAID FOR with more of his LIES!
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Jake966 · 56-60, M
From Trump’s address the way I gather it is that he is looking into Social Security to reduce fraud not to close down the system . I know people who have lost, elderly loved ones and were advised by the funeral home that they used to notify Social Security of their death Or the checks will keep coming until the system catches that the person has died . I also caught something in that message about him saying something about unelected vice president JD Vance can you explain that to me Trump is trying to streamline Social Security and take away the inessential jobs . He talks about Trump‘s claim of fraud in the election, but never mentions anything about Hillary’s claim of fraud in the election, which was proven to be nothing like a one-sided newscast, and you expect people to believe that ?
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@badminton Biden and Obama took money from social security too and you never complained
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I wish people would stop worrying about Trump in all this. Its only going to effect Americans and they voted for him. The rest of the world will be fine... Just a speed bump..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran I believe the EU nations will step up and support Ukraine now. They dont want Putin to succeed in this and they want to flip the bird to Trump as well.😷
@whowasthatmaskedman No doubt you’re right, at least to some extent. But America should be leading that alliance. By backing down and kowtowing to Putin, tRUMP is just (again) showing what a coward he is.

He ran on the promise that he would end the war in Ukraine on Day ONE. He even “guaranteed” it.

What do you expect from a wannabe golfer who cheats at golf? And his marriage…
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran I believe what we are seeing the start of is a political movement in Europe within each nation that could be described as Anti Trump as a cause. Leaders will vie to speak out against him and by extension America. It will garner votes and cost virtually nothing that can be measured..😷
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Presidents for years have dipped into Social Security so why are you so upset over Trump doing it if he does the same ?
@Jake966 tRUMP who never pays his taxes, renegs on paying contractors after the work is completed, grifts on everything imaginable (including Bibles & his phony “tRUMP” worthless Bucks), got busted for fake charity & worthless real estate “university”

welches on bets he lost (ask Elizabeth Warren), and LIES ABOUT EACH AND EVERYTHING often for no apparent reason other than the thrill he gets from lying…

and now he’s going to cut off the very Social Security benefits that his low income/low IQ cult members have paid into for years and rely upon in their elderly years (and make no mistake about it—these are the voters in those Red states who he hoodwinked )


SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOU AND HIM, now doesn’t it?
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JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Just like he came for Stormy?
@JoyfulSilence Maybe. We’ll see if he gets convicted of more felonies when he does it…
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Maybe in four years.

If he is still alive.
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