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Army Chorus humiliates Trump to his face

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DrWatson · 70-79, M
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but I don't think any attempt at humiliation was going on at all.

In Trump world, it is white males in particular and "traditional values" Americans in general who have been oppressed. To them, the song of angry men is their song, as they proclaim they will "not be slaves again" to "wokeness, DEI, and the LGBTQ agenda." Republicans have referred to what's going on in this administration as the new American Revolution.

I am willing to bet that the chorus and the people in that room saw the song as their anthem, as they celebrated Trump as their savior.

We are not one country anymore.
@DrWatson The American Taliban is real. 😔
Alas, I think we can assume it went over his head like a low-flying plane. Subtlety has never been his strong suit.
@bijouxbroussard You are undoubtedly correct, considering that he has the IQ and attention span of a spoiled two year old with severe ADHD!
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
looKz LiKeSz broadWaYz MusicaLZ NoT armYZ. they CUdnTz HolD a GuN

wiLLz ProabLiBY Be FirEd By Elon UndEr DEi

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