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Trump’s Not Even Close to Being Ready “Cracked” Legal Team Screwed Up Yet Again

Chris Kise and Cliff Robert thought that they could pull a fast one and have a stay on QI’s NY gag order in time for QI’s taking the stand. The case they tried to make was “no issue could be more important than the ongoing deprivation of the First Amendment rights of their client.”

Their request was procedurally flawed in several respects, but even if accepted the prosecution had a right to respond and its brief would not be due until Dec. 11, the day of Trump’s planned testimony.

From what I had heard of Kise’s record, I expected a well thought out and presented case, but—man was I wrong!

So, it appears when QI takes the stand in his own defense the gag order (which he has already been fined twice for violating) will [i]still be in place![/i]

It doesn’t get any more amateurish than with matters QI!
windinhishair · 61-69, M
It isn't like Kise to make that kind of mistake. I wonder if there is more to the story. But the longer the gag order remains in effect, the better off the nation will be!

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