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Judge Engoron again denies request to subpoena independent monitor

Third time is the charm—but not for Quad Indicted!

Twice this week, Trump's attorneys unsuccessfully sought to call to the stand former judge Barbara Jones, the monitor appointed by Engoron to oversee the Trump Organization's finances after the New York attorney general accused the firm of fraud.

"Your request to subpoena Judge Jones is denied," Engoron said, describing the request as a "dangerous infringement on court immunity."

Quad Indicted’s “ Nowhere Near Ready For Anything Close To Primetime” Cracked Legal Team continues to FAIL
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Its just Trump and his Delay, delay.. His lawyers must be tearing their hair out...😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran While I agree with every word you say emotionally and from the viewpoint of justice, you arent seeing the bigger picture. Level 1. Just about everyone in US politics is dirty enough to have them at least fired and disgraced in any other OECD country. Level 2. The money, corruption and patronage in American business that links to politics leads so deep into "The System" that virtually no one is untouched. Oh the names Jeffrey Epstein could have named if he had not "committed suicide" And this is federal and state and through all elected officials. The bottom line is that NO ONE wants this dug into too deeply. So a few sacricifial goats will be burned on the alter (hopefully Trump among them) and it will all go away..😷
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman True enough. But Quad Indicted crossed so many lines in the sand and is so incompetent that it can’t be glossed over or forgiven. If he’s not held accountable for all of his crimes to the fullest extent of the law then he has succeeded in destroying America.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran What he actually succeeded doing was to shine a spotlight on all that had been happening for years in such a way it made the papers (even Murdoch couldnt ignore it) and people started demanding something be done. He dissrupted business as usual and has no friends in Washington over that..He went a bridge too far...😷
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

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