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As a non-USA citizen..

Im curious to understand the well of hatred that many Americans,not all,seem to have towards D Trump.
To me i would vote for him,i like his immigration policies-in UK we are being SWAMPED,overrun almost daily by people illegally crossing the English Channel,what many of us in UK wouldnt give for a politician with the nuts to actually stop this.
I know hes accused of inciting violence,and that is questionable,but even before his election,there was much disdain towards him.
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ididntknow · 51-55, M
It’s because in 2016 a jihad was issued in America on Donald Trump, by the democrat party, who pull all the strings with The left wing media in America, and big tech, ie, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, CNN, MSNBC, indeed even Fox News is paid opposition, pretending to be right of centre, even sty news in the UK is owned by MSNBC, when you know that, you can understand why there is so much vitriol on there over Donald Trump,. You see, when all you hear about a person is total negativity, from the media/ big tech, day in, day out, the people that can’t think for themselves, become indoctrinated / brainwashed, and when they hate Trump, they think from themselves, when in reality, they’ve basically been had, taught to think a certain way, ie, Trump bad, democrats good, BLM good, Antifa good, no research done by them, just daily brainwashing by the media, and over time you get the situation we have today, now get ready for the brainwashed / indoctrinated haters, 😄😄😄
@ididntknow I think there's a chicken and the egg problem as far as the media goes, but the indoctrinating/brainwashing point you raised is still a good point for a non American to look at to understand the issue.

Trump's "believe me" thing bothered me, but it wasn't until he went a few steps forward, started calling the press (which he's been manipulating long before he ran for office) as the enemy and went past it to the "believe only me" and took his my way or the highway approach a step further that the Never Trumpers on both the Republican side and the Democrat side, imo, found enough common ground to elect Biden.

Maybe I'm dreaming, but I like to think that the pure "us vs them" and them[y] are always wrong because I am one of "us" rubbed a lot of American voters wrong.

I've got more in common, and share more values, I think, with my Trump voting neighbors, who don't brag about their dishonesty and the crimes they can get away with, then I do with folks who think there's nothing wrong with cheating on taxes, lying, coveting, and going even step further then just being amoral in their actions and taking it publicly as a virtue and something to encourage and teach to our children.

I'd like to think that that the Bush/locker room tape, for example, made some sort of a difference, even if it took awhile and did so only in the context of later events.

Look at Trump's "perfect" call with Zelenskyy, and think about why someone would call it "perfect" as opposed to legitimate or appropriate.

That's what bothers me about Trump. Not that he pushes racism, anti-Semitism, protectionism, fiscal responsibility, military isolationism, or protectivism of industries, as much as the fact that his devotion all of these issues and policies is pretty shallow and I basically don't trust him.
One explanation is not about policy at all, but character and honesty.

Trump says stuff, and a lot of Americans have issues with what he says, why he said it.

Way back before he got the nomination, there was a series of clips of him saying "believe me," which I found compelling and disturbing way back when, long before he basically amended his message to be "believe only me" and focused on the media and others when his cult of proud ignorant believers became more "persecuted" (in large part, imo, because not only did the media focus on him, but those who chose to "follow" him.

I'm not saying I'm representative of those who have a particular distaste for Trump's "style", "personality," or way of thinking, but I think there's something relatively unique to him in that his policy positions are not only unconventional and not aligned with conventional party or ideological positions, as much as tailored to what it makes sense for him, in the moment, to say to benefit him, as opposed to any traditional constituency.

It makes Trump, imo, "dangerous" to a lot of people, which, while it works for him, also works against him.

Immigration/open borders/national purity, protectionism, America First, Energy Independence, Windmill phobia, full flushing toilets, punishing uppity black athletes for not kneeling, in the eyes of some, are just comfortable positions for Trump, much like his anti-muslim comments, his pro and AntiLBGT stuff, etc.

I'm just offering my own perspective here, and many other Americans, both Trump fans and non fans disagree.

When I post on Trump, I usually get a couple of critics saying I've got TDS, that everyone is out for himself, and Trump's just more raw, less of a smooth professional politician at talking about of both sides of his mouth, etc, but watch those responses, and see if they don't actually illustrate why he's so "polarizing" in American politics far beyond any particular issue.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee 🤣
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Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
He's a crook! A liar, you name it! Basically if there is a devil it's him.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Lmao. Next time don't fuck with so many countries and stay in your lane.
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