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12 Indicators That Trump Would Create A Fascist Dictatorship In His Second Term [I Think That Donald Trump Is Dangerous For This Country]

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The left is more authoritarian and fascist than Trump could ever be.
@SW-User That makes no sense and there is nothing to back that up.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow The left wants to silence and censor all who disagree with them, they want to transform America from a Constitutional Republic into a communist shit hole and they are attacking 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. The first step for a fascist regime to control a populace is to suppress their speech and disarm them. The left is fascist in every sense of the word.
@SW-User Lol. You really need to lay off the Infowars. Every word of that is delusional nonsense.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Its the truth. Too bad you can't see it.
@SW-User No it is not and it is demonstrably false on multiple levels. it is a fantasy invented by the most reactionary right wing nuts and clearly you were a sucker for it.
@SW-User whatever you’re smoking fella it must be some strong stuff 😂
@SW-User Exactly!
@TopOfTheWorld Its called truth....want to smoke some? Its stronger than any leftist lie.
@puck61 You two really need to share your drugs. It must be some really good stuff.
@SW-User Sounds more like something cooked up by a meth tweaker.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You can call me all the names you want, it won't change my mind, only embolden me.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow So does the leftist concept of a communist utopia. How high does one have to be to think such a concept would be a good thing?
@SW-User I didn't call you anything. I stated your paranoid delusion sounds like something cooked up by a meth addict high out of their minds and awake for 20 hours straight. It is completely divorced from reality.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow The leftists concept of communist utopia sounds like the same thing.....a drug fueled delusion.
@SW-User You might understand it if you actually bothered to read up on the subject instead of just parroting decades old cliches.
@SW-User Then again I forgot. You are actually anti intellectual too so reading is bad.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I have read up on it. It goes against the principles this country was founded on. Look at Venezuela, such a utopia.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Oh I love reading....that's how I learned the left started the KKK....and other historical facts that fly in the face of the leftist narrative. I can see why you guys hate history.
@SW-User Your cliched buzzword prove conclusively you haven't but nice try.

And the fact that you brought up Venezuela tells me your understanding of socialism is from Fox and Friends not actually educating yourself on anything. If you think Venezuela is relevant to the conversation you really have no idea what you are talking about. Thanks for proving it.
@SW-User The left started the KKK? You really are delusional.
The goon squad would out-do Venezuela if they had the opportunity.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Socialism is a flawed ideology and I will NEVER support it. You and I are at an impasse.
@SW-User You have proven you don't even know what a history book looks like and you haven't bothered to educate yourself on any of this and just repeat right wing media conspiracies.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow My mind will not be changed. Especially because you are acting like an arrogant douche. Leave mom's basement and get some sunlight.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow The KKK is a branch of the Democrat party. Yes, but the KKK is really a bad joke. The last time they marched down here, they were pelted with all sorts of biodegradable material and humiliated to death!