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12 Indicators That Trump Would Create A Fascist Dictatorship In His Second Term [I Think That Donald Trump Is Dangerous For This Country]

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fascism is on the left . The leftist lunatics are the ones who are using violence and terrorism to promote their ugly agenda and silence those who disagree. Not to mention Goebbels style blanket falsehoods like the video you just posted.
@puck61 Lol. Still idiots like you fall for 80 year old propaganda. Fascism is an always has been right wing.
It is funny how they constantly turn a blind eye to the rioters they support and try to spin it into “peaceful protests.” Anyone buying into or spinning that “peaceful protest” bullshit is nothing more than a paid liar or a complete loon. @puck61
@DukeOfEarle Lol? You mean your right wing demagogue who blatantly lies about right wing extremists being "antifa" and leftists?
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I suppose that is why the "father of fascism" fomented his ideas while working for an underground SOCIALIST newspaper, and organized fascism is referred to as "NATIONAL SOCIALISM". Fascism is just liberalism with sharp fangs. You guys prove my point every day. Lately several times a day. Leftist lunacy is dead, but they are doing as much damage as possible on their way out.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow 😂Just so you know I am laughing AT you, not with you.
Nimbus · M
@puck61 Good to see your return :)

I hope you are OK.
@puck61 First off there is a reason Mussolini was thrown out of the Italian socialist party. Because he was just on a power trip.

And by your same logic a seahorse is an equine because it has horse in the name. That is a pathetic and nonsensical argument.

You are right though about fascism being related to liberalism because liberalism is center right to anyone with an education. But you got that right by accident because you don't even understand the words you use.

I feel sorry for you being such a brainwashed useful idiot.
@Nimbus It's a slippery slope, but I count my blessings. Have a cute little cottage now. No gossiping biddies about! Wonderful! Just me and Daisy.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You lefty loose wheels have cornered the market on useful idiocy!
Nimbus · M
@puck61 Sounds idyllic :)

I hope you will be very happy.

Take care.
@puck61 Unfortunately there is literally nothing to support your ravings.

Everything I have stated is backed by decades of facts and evidence. I am sorry you are so afraid of Reds under your bed.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow PS.......If that were true, then I certainly wouldn't be able to understand the words 'you' use! I am amazed by the power you so willingly give me! Thanks......I suppose.
@puck61 Well you have demonstrated conclusively you have no idea what any of these political terms mean. You can't even get the easy ones right.
@puck61 Based on your comments here I would not be surprised if you Call the Humane Society every time your neighbor has a BBQ because by your logic you probably think hot dogs are made from actual dog meat.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You must have a big poster of Neville Chamberlain on your wall. Sometimes that shit you keep smelling is in your own pants! Piss poor planning precludes proper preparation and we will both probably be alive when the left finally drowns in its own bodily fluids. Unfortunately leftists have this pattern of leaving as much destruction as possible in their wake. That is why I feel civil war is almost inevitable. The right is eventually going to have to take up arms against the left . We are honor bound and it is a constitutional directive. If not, then every soldiers lifeblood from the 18th to the 21st century was shed for absolutely nothing.
@puck61 Thanks for proving you have no valid argument and can only resort to insults typical of middle schoolers.

I am sorry you are so uneducated you have to resort to tantrums and insults.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Next you're going to try and tell me that KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN IS NOT REALLY FRIED IN KENTUCKY! Stop this insanity!
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@puck61 😂 Great to see you around again Puck!
@puck61 Again. I am sorry you don't even have a basic education and understanding of the subject. Perhaps you should leave the discussion to the grownups.
I am sorry you are so uneducated you have to resort to tantrums and insults.

The most ironic thing about irony is that is so damn ironic!
@puck61 The only reason you think that is because you have no idea what you are talking about. You might try cracking a book.
@puck61 No joke. The password literally is “Insanity.” This guy doesn’t even live in the US yet he constantly bitches about it! It’s a clear example of why socialized medicine doesn’t work.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I can tell by your context and tone that you feel intellectually threatened by me. It doesn't take a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. 😉
@DukeOfEarle And you try desperately to cover up your ignorance with nativist bullshit. Not my fault a Canadian is better educated about your own nation then you are.

What makes your nativist argument even stupider is statistically a native born American is much more likely to flunk a citizenship test.
@puck61 You clearly are desperate to change the subject so as not to embarrass yourself further.