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I Think Donald Trump Is A Buffoon

And yet I still thank God that we got him instead of Hillary and I hope that he gets a second term. Some of what he has done has been very good for the country as a whole and everyone in it. Reduced regulations allowing the economy to prosper. Discouraging illegal immigration. Lower taxes on businesses and the resulting low unemployment rate. And he has appointed a number of good judges who will apply the laws Congress made instead of legislating from the bench.

The looney Left and the solidly Democratic news media hate him and have done a pretty good job of indoctrinating their mindless followers against him. But Biden is even dumber than Trump and people are noticing so we still have a pretty good chance.

Here's hoping
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AbbeyRhode · F
Well said, thank you. The left has also relentlessly depicted Trump's supporters as racist, misogynistic, uneducated, and deluded cult members, who believe he's perfect, and worship him blindly. We're not, and we don't. We see his faults. But we also see a man who loves this country, and has been working for us for four years, unlike Congress, who works for no interests but their own. I voted for him in 2016, and will proudly do so again in 2020.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Joel Osteen said that Trump is the Chosen One so maybe he is the best thing. Having said that, no one will ever know if HRC woulda made a better president.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@SimplyTracie First time ever I read of HRC used as an abbreviation for, I suppose, HillaRy Clinton? First thing that came to my mind was "Honda Racing Club" and I was wondering why you were mentioning motorcycles in this 🙈 lol
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Elessar 😂😂😂
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Better than the last buffoon that he replaced and still better than biden would ever be.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
Trump is a God, your too dumb and too much of a buffoon to understand him
justbob · 61-69, M
@NestChicken But I do know how to spell the contraction for "you are" and that it is not the same as the posessive form of "you"
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@justbob what a fucking dumbass you are to point out spelling mistakes. Are you a poof or something?

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