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You hear stories of people changed because of a near death experience

Do you think this is the beginning of Mr Trump's transformation?

I don't really have anything to say.... I'm just here to implant this thing into your brain
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I think he is a true certifiable narcissist who can't/won't be changed.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@Starcrossed I think the first part of that sentence is definitely true
@Starcrossed A massive Machiavellian
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
No. Once a narcissist always a narcissist.

Actually never heard of such a transformation with such a type of narcissism. Ever! 🤷🏻‍♂️

There's a mental process before the age of seven that goes on in everyone's head. If it's not completed before then, it will never change.

The empathy just isn't there to change.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@sree251 I'll reword this!

ALL ideals ARE arrogant!

They are ideals!

They will never reach their respective targets!

Therefore they are ALL wrong!

Everything changes! Even the rates of change, change!

No two things can be the same, because everything changes and at different rates!

No target can ever be reached, much less remain the same!

The "x" forever approaches infinity! And that isn't respect to "y" or "z" or "t" .
sree251 · 41-45, M
ALL ideals ARE arrogant!

Idealism is the mother of success. Idealism drives us forward and upwards.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@DeWayfarer interesting. I hadn't considered that... makes sense I guess. Those years are very formative
No. There’s a certain amount of humility that would take, and Trump just doesn’t possess it.

It’s similar to when, during the pandemic, he was reported as having contracted Covid and physicians used "heroic means" (treatment not yet available to average citizens) to help him recover.

Trump had the opportunity to encourage his supporters to be more careful interacting with each other and accepting treatment as it became available. He refused to do this, continuing to dismiss a deadly virus as "no big deal".

It was more important for him to play the "tough guy" than to take steps that might’ve saved lives.

I don’t see him behaving any differently here.
@bijouxbroussard Worse, he's going to try and capitalize upon it.

Just watch. It's already been documented, where he went off script from his speech, where he went right back into ugly divisive politics. Only four days after? Just wait until he really feels bolstered. Once he really loses script, but sadly I think most who support him, support him when he's truly ugly.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
With Trump.the opposite seems to happen. He just doubles down.
DDonde · 31-35, M
I would be surprised if it didn't have an impact in some way.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M

The only thing I know he's said since the event was

"I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be dead". I'm sort of interested in how people's thought are and how they change.
I had a near death out of body experience two months before my third birthday in 1973, I was having a tracheostomy done while slowly choking to death as my epiglottis was swelling up from an infection. I remember a blue illumination that captured my interest and looked into it, but don't remember what I saw. Fast foward to xmas season 1978 when I was 8 2/3 and we were shopping in DownTown Portland as a family, it was nearing dusk, we were passing by a display and a large blue illumination caught my interest. My Dad, who was holding my hand felt my sudden stop and asked me what was going on, I pointed to the illumination and told him it was like looking into eternity. Later that night I woke up hearing my Dad crying his eyes out, heart sobbing wrenching his body shaking, he was telling my mother I said the same thing to him a month after I had my trache when it was removed and I could talk again a month before my third birthday. Apparently I told him things before I turned three that shook him to his core and that in 1978 it reminded him what I said.
@caPnAhab I think BabyBushstain 43 wanted to restart DaddyBushStain 41's 1991 Gulf War, the mysterious March 1991 Downing Street Memo that 43 had with Tony Blair supposedly says they wanted something to pin on Saddam as revenge for a failed assassination attempt on Daddy 41.
@caPnAhab But I don't think the US staged 9/11, but instead ignored the 08/06/2001 Presidential Daily Brief, most likely ASSuming it wouldn't really happen. A top Pentagon General said that the look on 41's face while reading to the kids in the classroom said it all, pure disbelief and shock, a response that he said he'd decommission lower Officers for if he saw it on them.
sree251 · 41-45, M
but I don't see how 9/11 was staged. What reason did the US gov have to destroy the world trade center?

The staging of 9/11 is classified. Nobody can see how it was pulled off. The reason was to fire up Americans to support the wars in the Middle East.

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