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How Stupid Or Brainwashed Do You Have To Be?

In a new episode of the "how stupid do you have to be"...

How stupid do you have to be, to blame high gas prices on the sitting president of the USA?

Or are you simply brainwashed?

The fact is that producers hit the brakes, when Covid decimated consumption, forcing producer pricing to drop below $0.

The fact is that the administration has not restricted producers' right to pump more oil.

The fact is that shutting down the Keystone Pipeline had zero impact on production or drilling. Why? Because there was NO keystone pipeline. This was a PLANNED project. So, are you stupid, or simply misinformed?

The fact is, this is a global crisis, caused by our reliance on fossil fuel, and the oil industry's wholesale purchase of politicians, painting those who promote renewable energy as Christ hating, Islamist, Communist, socialist Jihadists, controlled by the LGBTQ cabal.

So, get your heads your asses, and recognize how your actions impact positive progress as a country, and as a human race.
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monte3 · 70-79, M
But.. but jackj told us that Biden outlawed fracking!, and the keystone was pumping virtual oil!! There is a war on fossil fuels! 😊
You can’t make it up.
Smh….really frustrating to still see them stick their head in the sand…quicksand in this case. It’ll drag them all down…but they can’t see it.
@Vivaci TRUE!

When the last inch of the ship is finally sinking, these rats will realize what's up...maybe.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
I'm pretty stupid.There are voluminous police reports,psychiatric diagnoses and casual testimonies from throughout my life if anyone needs documentation.
That being said,I applaud this post and it's aim to inform and educate.
I expected vitriol and ad hominem attacks from the more vociferous Biden haters...but will have to cue the cricket soundtrack in the meantime,apparently.
Northwest · M
@dubkebab I have a rule: if you to participate in one of my threads, you need to remain on topic. The vociferous Biden haters cannot refute what I wrote. So the only way they can participate, is by posting off-topic memes, and those get deleted the second I see them.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Northwest Deep state puppet commie LGBTQ+ gangster confirmed.
Depriving the populace of their precious memes? Anti'murican.
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