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I Hate It When People Tell Me to Smile

I'll Smile, When I Damn Well Want To... You know what I hated about working in retail for four years? Well a few things, one being that the money wasn't that great, and the fact that I had to be around annoying people all the time. So naturally, I'd often be in a bit of a crappy mood while I was working, and it sometimes showed in my body language. And of course, people just had to say stupid sh*t like "You should smile more at work, that will make your day better". Ugh, people these days, so f*cking annoying, how am I supposed to be happy and smiling, with these f*cktards, annoying me all the time? And how exactly is cracking a smile going to make my day better? You know what would make me happier, and maybe smile, them leaving me alone, that, or watching them get run over by a bus. Either way works. Some people say that violent video games turn people into serial killers. I say these idiots going around telling others to smile, are to blame for such things. I'm so glad I'm not doing that line of work anymore. But unfortunately for me, I've had to deal with these d*cks outside of work as well. Like when one of my older brothers was getting married, and I was one of the groomsmen, and well, I had to be in some of the wedding pictures. If I got a dollar, for every time that stupid photographer, told me that I have to smile in the pictures, I'd probably be richer than Donald Trump. So, why did I refuse to smile in these pictures? Two reasons, one, I hate smiling in pictures, mainly because I cant seem to intentionally crack a good smile, and I just feel awkward doing it. The other reason is because weddings are extremely boring. As if the ceremony itself wasn't boring enough, no now I got to stand around for 2 hours straight, while they take a million different pictures, of course I'm in no mood to be smiling, I was board out of my f*cking mind! And really, I don't see what the big deal about me not smiling in the picture is, I mean, nobody's going to be paying much attention to me, they're going to looking at the bride and groom in the picture, not the 3rd groomsman, who just stands off to the side of the picture, not doing anything. Fortunately, for me, the photographer eventually just gave up and took the damn picture, I think she finally realized, that the more she told me to smile, the less likely I was to do it.
People who tell others to smile, so annoying. If I want to smile, I will, but when these f*cks tell me to, no way I am
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I've never been one for smiling either. When I was 14 in highschool one of the guys in my homeroom started calling me "Smiley" because I never smiled. It annoyed me to hell but I didn't do anything about because I was too shy. I feel if I had stood up for myself and punched his lights out or kicked him in a sensitive place he probably would of left me alone from then on. The next year I was still in the a$$hole's homeroom and at one time I was off school for two weeks due to a foot infection and when I did go back to school the first thing the a$$hole said when he saw me was "Smiley is back". I wanted to punch his nose in so damn bad. The name calling didn't stop until my parents took me out of school for different reasons a few months later. I have never forgotten the a$$hole's name or his name calling. It's a memory that will never fade.

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