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I’m grateful for this past year

Everything I went through brought me closer to the Lord. And from that, I’ve never been so joyful and at peace. I’ve never had such a solid Foundation to stand on. Even though I still have my struggles and pain, my life has never been as good as it is right now. It’s all clear in a way it never was before.

I read my thoughts from this time last year, what I’d written in my journal at the start of this cancer healing journey. It was dark and angry. I was in so much pain. I’m grateful to that as well because I now have a difference in my mindset even though my circumstances haven’t much changed.

God is good and has been very noticeably there for me throughout this. Who could even understand? If you’d only been there to witness what’s been done in my life to heal my heart and save me from the mess I made of my life and spirit. I can’t explain how amazed I am or everything that took place because it can’t possibly make sense if you weren’t there (which is why I still get the sympathy and condolences even though I insist to everyone that this has to be the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me). Just that I’m grateful, and now the whole world is a different place. Praise to the Lord.
I can't understand everything but I can understand some things that you have talked about. I have watched your journey all those months and I can clearly see that what you have shared with us, is total truth. I prayed for you and God answered my prayers, among which I prayed that you would feel close to God and he would heal your aching heart, and your life. As you have drawn closer to the Lord, he has definitely transformed your life by the Holy Spirit. That's a given and it shows. I won't stop praying for you. I'm so thankful that you turn to him and your hardest times because I have too, and like you, he has never let me down. God makes a way where there seems to be no way. When I couldn't walk he helped me walk. When I had blood clots in my legs, what should have taken months to heal, he heals in 2 weeks and they were amazed. He has much more planned for your life. I'm so proud of you. God bless you as he keeps on healing you. You're a brave Christian Soldier. I just give him all the praise and glory for what he has done for you so far.

@LadyGrace Thank you so much. 🥰 And God bless you. You’re my sister in Christ, and I’m glad for you and the wisdom you share.
@Colonelmustardseed yes ma'am, I love you as my sister in Christ. That, we surely are. I want to see you completely whole and I believe we will. I just think of you so often. Cuz I know what suffering is, as well. We do good in Christ. He makes life worth living and I can see His presence is always with you, guiding you, helping you, and I'm very thankful for that. I can't tell you how much respect I have for you. You're so awesome and you're always cheerful and thinking of others first, even through all your hard challenges. I appreciate you so much and hold you in the highest esteem. Jesus makes everything so much better. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, in each believer, is just beyond words. Thank you for your beautiful testimonies and perfect example of what a follower of Christ should be. 🌹🤗🙏🙏🙏🥰
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
That's awesome, I love you're current mindset
Musicman · 61-69, M
Praise be to God 🙏 I am so glad that He healed you physically, emotionally and mentally. I still pray for you daily 🙏🙏🙏
@Musicman Thank you. 🧡

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