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Day 11- Gratitude and Love

I have been wanting to go to bed for forever, but my husband kept begging me to hang out with him. Who is this dude? Lol Anyway, now I’m determined to post even though I’m sooo tired…today was an important day though. I know I won’t do any of these things justice, but….here we go with the happy/grateful thoughts for the day…

❤️ Watching my dad with my daughter and being so incredibly grateful that they get this time together. I never know how much time I have left with him and I really hope he has another 10 years with my girl at least. I want her to remember him. She loves him so much and he thinks she’s the whole world. I’m grateful that I’ve had him for this chapter of my life as a parent and I hope I’ll get a lot more of this chapter…I love him so.
❤️ Got an oil change today and my girl made it quite the party. She had all the guys in the shop cracking up and playing peek-a-boo….all these full grown men. Even the guy sitting in the car in the bay next to mine was laughing and playing along. (The main guy I talked to immediately asked me if I was from the south 😂 Is my country twang that strong?! But it turned out he was from a town nearby my home town…guess we’re just twangier out that way haha)
❤️ Went to my friend’s mom’s visitation today. I’d been nervous, for various dumb reasons all related to my own insecurities…but I didn’t need to be. My one friend immediately said what I was thinking/feeling insecure about as soon as I greeted her and I was immediately able to joke about it and all my nerves fell away. That’s the great thing about friends you’ve known nearly 2 decades. Then my other friend, the one whose mom passed, instantly exclaimed how disappointed he was I hadn’t brought my daughter because she’s just the ray of sunshine he needed. So, I went and got her and brought her back to see him. Plus, another friend I hadn’t seen in a long time because she moved out of state was there with her kids. Our kids had never met so it was wonderful for our kids to finally get together and they had a blast playing. My friend’s family was always a second family to me for such a long time. I hadn’t seen a lot of them since I moved away, but it was nice to see them all and they instantly made me feel at ease. They’re all just such great people. That family honestly reminds me of the Waltons. I’m so blessed to know them all. My friend’s dad was happy to see me and I promised him and my friend that I would bring them food later this week after everything calms down. I know their grief will hit them hard once everything settles and they’re not so busy and distracted with visitors and funeral business. Losing a parent sucks…and losing your living parent to their grief sucks too. That’s a big thing no one warns you about. Grief hits us all so differently and it changes us drastically. But anyway…I’m grateful for all these people who are so dear to me and everything they mean to me.
❤️ Popping back up with a brighter thought, it was such a beautiful day. As sunny as it was, my girl was brighter than the sunshine! Just so exuberant and delightful today….we ran and skipped and danced and played…and just every little moment with her was special because of her. Which reminds me, when we went to tell my friend goodbye he was talking to someone I didn’t know and he instantly started going on about how my girl had the best, brightest, most uniquely positive personality and how she just spread happiness everywhere she went 🥰🥰🥰

Ok, now sleep. Hopefully that all makes sense and it’s my a bunch of run-on rambles lol.

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