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Know the value of what you are doing.... 🌬️⬇️

Did you know?

There was a third Apple founder. Ronald Wayne sold his 10 percent stake for $800 in 1976. It's worth $63 Billion now.

Hold onto your visions, they will try to escape you at every corner. Nobody will believe in your success more than you do. If you rely on others to pump you up, they will let you down. 👇


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FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
Ahhhh... the great thing is truly knowing what that value is. And I know I'm not objective about that.

If I had sold my stake in a business I co-founded years ago for $800, I'd have $800 (plus interest) more than I have now.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@FrozenWasteland Ahhh the gamble of what if. So easy to see in hindsight, not so easy in the moment 🤔💭💡
FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
@MySpiritEvolves Yup. And I, for one, have a bad habit of falling in love with my own ideas.

Me: Hey! I think this is great!! I bet the rest of the world can hardly wait!!!

Rest of the world: uh... not so much...
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@FrozenWasteland I do that same thing! Us optimists have to really filter things don't we LOL

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