This profile may contain Nudity content.
70-79, M
ADULT ONLY: I believe in POLYANDRY, and home nudism. I respect others boundaries & privacy
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Happy warm seasons greetings my friend. Wishing you the best for you and yours.

Four candles for the four corners: North, South, East and West of the world.
As the world turns let feelings of warmth and light spread throughout the world. 🤗
Just so you know. Nothing really bothers me. Most certainly not a lot of nudity. 😁
Just that we are different in approach.

Four candles for the four corners: North, South, East and West of the world.
As the world turns let feelings of warmth and light spread throughout the world. 🤗
Just so you know. Nothing really bothers me. Most certainly not a lot of nudity. 😁
Just that we are different in approach.
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer The universal energy does not wear clothes..
Thanks for the light.
Thanks for the light.
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msros · F

polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
DeWayfarer thinks you are Champion.

Your kind of an icon here. Yet we don't interact with each other much. I do understand where you are coming from. One brief time I did have similar yet not the same kind of polyamorous relationship. Which I believe is what cause us to be friends.
Hope things are well with you and yours! Just dropping in to say hello.
Hope things are well with you and yours! Just dropping in to say hello.
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polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer Nope, that hint is not close.. One that I loved a lot was a high princes and a butch lesbian. The other was very over weight and died of cancer. She was married to a gay man. The other was a total free spirited family woman (grandmother) living in the country..
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@polyandrym66 No, not you personally. Wicca community wise. The person was well known all over the state. A member of the counsel of magical arts... CMA. Out of Cistern.
Also One of the three high priestesses I was associated with was a trans. Not quite as well known yet very strong personality.
Also One of the three high priestesses I was associated with was a trans. Not quite as well known yet very strong personality.
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer A wonderful mindset that they all have.. Especially towards sex.