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I Am Going to Say Something Controversial

I am sure I am going to get castigated for this post but it needs to be said.

First off let's talk ISIS did you know four gays were thrown off the building on the day gay marriage was passed in the USA. See link to video of you want to read or see for yourself.

Whether the Orlando shooting was an act carried out by Isis or merely inspired by Isis we will never know. But it should not be surprising that anyone to do with Isis would carry out such a treacherous act.

Ok now I warned you above this was going to be controversial.

What is surprising to me is that what happened in Orlando has not been done before now. And not by a member of Isis but from someone fed up with having trans lifestyle shoved down our proverbial throat.

I am not a parent but if I had a teenage girl who was forced to shower with a teen boy who was self identifying himself as a girl. I would go ape sh*t and I'm not a violent guy.

Enough is enough 99.9% of Americans are not transgender. When does it come a point where a minute minority does not dictate rules to the massive majority. Maybe this will be a wake up call to our government. I am wiser than that though. We are no longer a United States of America.

Long live the Divided States of America or the Offended States of America those are more apropo to what this country has become.

Can't wait to read the scathing remarks or will this get censored just like it would on Facebook. Seriously what happened to freedom of speech. It is important that I be able to state my opinion anywhere and everywhere in America.
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TallJames · 51-55, M
@joanie thanks for putting out an actual well thought out reply. I am deeply sorry you were molested. The number of peoplenthisnhappens to is appealing. My mother was gang raped by my fathers "friends" while he was passed out drunk in the other room. She was also molested by her older brother. My sister was raped by a boy her age when she was 14 and my niece was raped when she was 16 by her father in law. So again I am deeply sorry you experienced such horrible thing.

Look if this were truly about protection of trans then there would just be a simple mandate to put it in a third bathroom and possibly a fourth bathroom in all public schools. Our federal government spend more money than it has what's a few 100 million more.

This is not what it's about though. It's about continuing to cause a division in this country. You may have heard the saying. United we stand divided we fall.

If it's over .1% it certainly is not by much. Still the majority of people in this country are baby boomers, and tg was not much of a thing in there generation. I just checked my facts this is a true statement.

So here is what a quick search showed for the population of tg in America to be.

One effort to quantify the population gave a "rough estimate" that 0.3 percent of adults in the US (1-in-300) are transgender, overlapping to an unknown degree with the estimated 3.5 percent of US adults (1-in-30) who identify as LGB.
Sources from
^ The Search for the Best Estimate of the Transgender Population (NY Times)
^ Williams Institute UCLA study, see bar graph, Fig5 on p6 (2011) "Understanding the size of the LGBT population is a critical first step to informing a host of public policy and research topics."

So ok it's a little more than .1% according to this source.

Call it .5% it's still such a minute number. Do the deserve to be protected against hate crime and hate crime of course they do.

Do they deserve to have there own bathroom. I think it's a stretch. Do they deserve to be able to shower with people of the opposite sex in which the were born. Absolutely not.

Finally to put to rest that a "boy" will not be showering with my daughter. Just google "girls forced to shower with boys"

It is more prevalent than you think.

I did the search and this is the link of what I found as first result.

As a closing note. The reason I am so passionate about this is simple.

The issue I have with it is for a very small minority of people there is a movement to give them the right to infringe on a majority of people's rights. If a girl is forced to shower with a boy who identifies himself as a girl. Then her right to a pursuit of happiness, and true freedom is being taken away from her. Give the trans movement there rights just do it in a way that does not infringe on anybody else's right.

Thanks again for your well worded post and keeping everything above the belt.
Parents calling into talk shows!? Yeah that's solid proof.

I shall repeat myself. School systems that understand the laws, are working with all interested parties to assure the peace and privacy of all involved. Yes, there may be one or two stumbles, there always is. So what? Perhaps an exercise in human biology and sex education will do many of us good. This left over puritanical belief in modesty really is that, just a hold over from days where women were though to be weak and needed to be protected. Here is a history lesson on the segregation of the public bath room.
Yes, United! Seems like those with a very limited understanding of equality are hell bent on dividing people. The governments job is to protect people, all people, all majorities and minorities. The only division there is, happens when someone fears giving something inalienable to a person who it belongs to, "freedom" yes, people like you get all uppity, self righteous, simple because you think you "own" it and are in the majority. What you fail to comprehend is that this country is tasked because of its freedoms and the freedom it can not inhibit, to protect ever individual from a majority of those who seek to devastate their freedoms. Trans gender people exist in large numbers and large variations. The only thing we want is to be treated like the rest of the populous. Doing anything to stand in the way of that is anti America and bigoted. Just because you might be uneasy or uncomfortable and clearly ignorant of transgender people. Does not give you the right to stand there and degrad or devalue my life or the life f another person. A life that could be productive, uniting, invigorating, loving, inspirational and possibly create something that may help the country or the world if you would simply drop your fear and give us a chance.
How does a 16 year old have a father in law in America? 😕
What's wrong? I thought you welcomed hate, you said so at the end of your story!
And you might want to read my about me 😬
Your fear and ignorance is leading your emotions. "A boy" is not going to be showering with your daughter. School systems are implimenting protocol to protect everyone's privacies. What the trans protection act is all about is to protect a class of people (larger then .1 percent) from discrimination. No different then the acts to protect women and minorities against acts of discrimination. Yes, this is still America. An America I am a proud member of because in my America, every person has the right to live a life free from hatred and bigotry.
I am the parent of two sons with three grandchildren two of whom are young ladies. I fear many things that may come into their lives. The potential of some transgender female to male or male to female harming my children is not one of them.

I was also sexually assaulted 14 by an innocent looking male in his 30s who was a friend of my mother, who was invited into my how because he was trusted. It wasn't long before he had ripped my shirt off and pulling my pants down. Until we teach boys that women and girls are not sexual objects I will fear most males. That kind of male is not going to put a dress on and go into a locker room pretending to be a female. He doesn't have to!
TallJames · 51-55, M
Funny thing is saffie I went to go send you a private message to not lambast you in public when I saw your quote "feminist and sjw" I felt you were not deserving of such kindness.

I tell my cousins 10 and 13 that choices have consequences good choices have positive consequences and bad choices have bad consequences. Maybe you should think about changing your quote. Unless you just like getting in feuds on the Internet.
TallJames · 51-55, M
And you infer that I condone it from that. That is a very far reach. Just because I am surprised it has not happened does not mean I condone the violence what so ever. What it does mean is that if I of sane sound mind and body with no violent tendencies whatsoever am tired of hearing about how we should adjust our lives and children's lives to appease .10% of Americans to the inconvenience and detriment of the majority of Americans. Then I am just surprised it has not happened sooner as some people do not have the temperament that I do. I am still appalled that you can read my whole post and think I condone the violence that happened in Orlando. Again if I condoned it I would never had said the treacherous act.
I'm not pretending to know anything of the way you feel, I can read it in your words as clear as a bell. To hold the level of bigotry you have you have to have a level of ignorance that wishes only to see the world as you approve. Why is my view different then yours. Because I see people as they are and who they come into it, and the mysteries that surround them. You speak in absolutes and you h e no way of seeing those absolutes to solidify your arguments. That is why I call you bigoted.

Let me repeat. A minority of people in the United States of America no matter how small, deserves every protection of the decre in our preamble, that "all" are created equal. And have the right to life liberty and the persist of happiness. You don't get to say what where when or why that is right or wrong.
Ps. The only persons being divisive, are those who think that they are the only ones deserving there expectations of what they believe this great country to be. It's not, it's a country of all people United for the "common good". That's not your good or my good, that's the common good. And the exercises in getting that good often hurt those who only see why, rather then seeing why not.
EvilEmily · F
if i think i am napoleon i am treated for it...

but if i think i am a boy suddenly get treated like one ?

that makes no sense...
There is no specific data, on the numbers of Trans variation individuals. That guesstimate is old and does not take into account those in hiding. It also does not include and intrasexed persons. One of the reasons the numbers aren't accurate is because many have conforming personalities and don't even think they could freely express some gender not dictated to them. Others are in such fear of repercussion that they dare not exhibit and tendencies of gender fluidity. And some practice in complete and total secret. But again that point is moot. The United States of America is bound to uphold the laws, which must be applied equally. It can not segregate within any aspect of humanity. It must treat all its citizens with the same meter. And must be blind to any human trait!
TallJames · 51-55, M
Step father. Sorry. I've not been able to sleep.
Nice catch thanks.
As for your google searching. Pure adulterated hyperbole used to insight those who oppose gender equality. I do not know of one case where a person was forced to do anything in a school shower. It's possible that an up roar over the potential has occurred. But in most cases when that happens alternate plans are facilitated.
Oh and when your daughter goes off to college. She'll be facing coed dorms and bath rooms. So my suggestion. Teach her to respect herself. And if you have any sons, teach them to respect themselves and others.
Yes, separate bath rooms, kinda reminds me of separate but equal, remember "segregation"

Look, after what happened in Orlando should tell you infatically, we have a lot more to worry about then who is peeing where.

It is only about transgender rights. And it's not giving them any more rights. It's protecting us from those who believe we don't have any rights.
Did you say what you said about any of the other terror attacks from Isis?
I understand evilemily. It makes perfect sense. What you think of yourself shows in the way people treat you. But I'm not so sure the "little man" syndrome fits you. Your ego doesn't seem over inflated for your stature. "Neapoleon"
Oh and you should know. My last name is Bartlett, if you read the DOI, you will see the name Josiah Bartllett a little down and to the right of John Hancocks!

Just so you know.
Your really big on this separate but equal kick, aren't you. I bet you would have really enjoyed living in a segregated south with its Jim Crow laws.

Marrage is a legal term. If your an atheist you can get married. Your sexual identity can not disqualify you from entering into the legal contractual agreement that others because of thier sexuality can.
TallJames · 51-55, M
So far if this were a debate with debate rules you'd be at the starting line and I'd be finishing the race. Unless you started really stepping it up there is no way you would catch me.
TallJames · 51-55, M
@joanie. I really like it when people pretend to know how I feel or how loosely the term bigot is tossed out.
I truly have no issue of protecting all Americans against violence and discrimination. My only point is that some seem to want to allow there being offended and there desire to have there rights but could give two sh*ts about other people's rights.
Let's take gay marriage. That is a Christian tradition. Why was gay marriage sought after in the first place. This was simply a group of people going after "rights" but simultaneously it was a major affront to many many people. I agree it is not fair that someone who is married has access to certain tax benefits but other than that needing to be married was just an affront to Christianity. That's a fact. Why did lgbt community not just try to get civil unions so they could get the tax break. Gay marriage is very similar to the trans movement in that both seem to be more about getting back at there "oppressors" just as much as getting rights and protection.

As far as the showering issue you. You are very wrong. I have already heard parents call in to talk shows saying they pulled there kid out of school due to this matter actually happening.

Someone who is finished with all procedures is certainly now the other sex, someone who just identifies as a different gender this is where I have the big issues.

You say this is not happening but the simple
Fact is that it is happening. And the way the movement is going there is nothing to stop any boy who feom just self identifying as a girl. I was a teenage boy and I know far to many classmates who would have gladly acted as if the were a girl to be able to shower with the girls.

College has options. Fraternities and Sororities are unisexual there are also dorms that are all male or all female.
TallJames · 51-55, M
I am guessing you won as writing the most off putting one.
You seem to still be practicing your freedom of speach.

Oh and to be accurate. Freedom of speach, the ability to speak and write in opposition to your government. It has nothing to do with threats, or protections of ignorance.

But your welcome to complain all day long. Eventually your attitude will be extinct.
"What is surprising to me is that what happened in Orlando has not been done before now. And not by a member of Isis but from someone fed up with having trans lifestyle shoved down our proverbial throat."
You make claims of not being bigoted, have you ever met or know anyone who is interesexed! (A person wth some gender ambaguities making it impossible to denote by genitialia a persons sex)? Which bath room do they use? Do we start measuring? A person is transgender, when their body does not align with their personality. A transperson should not be forced to enter a facility that is segregated by anything but thier outward expression on their gender. To do so is to place a hardship on that person.
There are many persons who's outward appearances are that of a specific gender. What is in their underwire is non of you business.
You don't get to say what is correct gender assignment. And you don't get to say that a person must meet these requirements. That is simply bigotry and ignorance attached to a male ego.
And good luck with chewing me up and spitting me out!
TallJames · 51-55, M
@ Saffie ... Omg even better your a raging feminist and social justice warrior. You are helping your cause out mightily. Some social justice. Continue to divide this country because that all you social justice warriors are doing.
That quote and my about me was a silly competition that a friend and I had to see who could write the most off putting one, but fair point I'll delete it cause obviously not everyone gets it!
And for someone who condones a mass shooting cause they are fed up with trans people, you're hardly one to be calling me hateful and ignorant!
You want to sprout your nasty opinion you might want to get a thicker skin!
TallJames · 51-55, M
Yes I would berate a male go look at my comments. In a post from Itscomplicated. I certainly did but EP is closed now so we can't verify that. I have said the same things about the treacherous acts when they beheaded Christians, women and gays. There you go inferring something again. If I were afraid of the trans community I would not be visiting Thailand which is very well know for its lady boy's. For your information I was not going to berate you in PM. I was simply going to say your comment was not very nice and what did I do to deserve a personal attack. Again when I saw your quote I decided not to give you that courtesy.
[image/video deleted]

"Will little white girls be forced to share bathrooms with Negro girls? Because of the high venereal disease rate among Negros, will white children use the same restrooms & toilet facilities with the Negros?"

Arkansas Gazette
I hope you never breed!
TallJames · 51-55, M
Spoken like a true intellectual @Saffie

I have a niece who is gay who I love very much and accept her views and don't ever judge her for them one iota. I am very close to her and talk to her regularly.

I never said I hated gays or tg or would even think about doing any violence unless my teen daughter were being abused.

Instead of having a semblance of an intelligent response you spew vitriol and hatred towards me.

I am glad I am not an idiot like you and can create my own opinions and thoughts without showing ignorance for a situation and resort to hate speech.

You are the one who should never breed my dear.
TallJames · 51-55, M
Furthermore I have thick skin very thick skin in fact I don't get offended. I find ignorance and hate to be all to prevalent on the Internet and I methodically back up my words with fact. Telling someone you hope they never breed is about as hate mongering as it can get. It is personal and if you are going to come at me personally be ready to mince words and I'll chew you up and spit you out. Now I will wait for you to point out what you said I said but that I didn't say.
TallJames · 51-55, M
@saffie I did not spew hate nor do I welcome it. I hate ignorance but that is trait not how someone is born. Ignorance is different than stupid. Ignorance is being misinformed or uninformed. Now please quote me where I condone mass violence. If I condoned it would I call it a treacherous act.

Going ape sh*t does not mean I am going on a mass shooting or even going to beat someone up. That is what you read into it. I would be sitting in my politicians office, I'd be going to every one of these rallies with my lapel pin camera and would start showing how divisive some of these groups can be, I would be sharing my daughters story in every social media outlet and news channel that would be open minded enough to hear our story.
I find it revolting that you use this terror attack to air your own ignorance and homophobia about trans people!
You are a coward, you wanted to berate me in pm, would you do the same if I were a male?
You would berate a male in pm instead of in the forum?
Thanks for your feedback, I just changed it back because if it's putting assholes like you off sending messages like you wanted to in pm then my thought was right in the first place!
Is far as the breeding comment goes, don't lose any sleep, ignorant people breed all the time, it's one of the many problems with this world!
TallJames · 51-55, M
That's the brightest thing you've said and our welfare system makes it worse even encourages it. *ignorant breeding*
I'm an asshole now huh. Just because you lost a debate you put yourself into does not mean you should go again with the insults.
I find it funny when someone has not a leg to stand on as far as logic. They resort to name calling. Over in another forum some lady said all trump supporters are white supremacists and then said you don't have to be white to be a white supremacist. Smh
Really so you decide to keep your quote up when if you had not I would have sent you a nice message.
Your a real piece of work.
No for the second time I was not going to berate you or a male in PM. I don't berate people unless they start it.
The only reason I continue writing you back is because with each illogical thing you say and mean spirited thing you say it makes everything I have written hold that much more ground.
You are proof in the pudding that a liberal has no logic and they just spew insults and hate as there argument. Why not bone up on some things and have a real discussion if your going to bother commenting on someone else's post.
Talljames when I told you I hope you never breed I meant it under the state of mind you are in...people have filled your mind with complete crap to make you a fearful follower!
Everyone has a choice, you can continue down the hateful, ignorant path you are going or you can stop at the cross road and have trust in your instinct!
Breed, don't breed, I can't stop it but I will tell you this, I knew 2 of the most red neck, bigots from high school who had a trans child!
And FFS NEVER pm me! I've read enough of your idiotic thoughts to last me a life time!
TallJames · 51-55, M
I find it laughable you think my thoughts are idiotic. The only thing idiotic in this thread was I hope you don't breed because you inferred that i condoned the violence in Orlando. Now that's an ffs that's truly deserved. Smh

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