SomeMichGuy · M
It doesn't matter.
Whatever you are, there is an audience for it.
You need to realize that EVERY set of characteristics is seen as desirable by some group...and the internet turns your fishing pond into the whole connected populace!
Think of it this way: just by watching replies to photos here, I can assure you that there is a larger percentage of guys who like overweight women than you might think. Let's say it's 10% (which is likely low).
If half of the planet is connected to the internet, that's 4 billion ppl, 2 billion men.
Let's say 1.2 billion are old enough to view OF.
If 10% like overweight women, that's 120 million guys...if you make 1% of THEM interested at some level, that's 1.2 million. If 1% of THEM join...12k paying followers.
It's a numbers game.
Whatever you are, there is an audience for it.
You need to realize that EVERY set of characteristics is seen as desirable by some group...and the internet turns your fishing pond into the whole connected populace!
Think of it this way: just by watching replies to photos here, I can assure you that there is a larger percentage of guys who like overweight women than you might think. Let's say it's 10% (which is likely low).
If half of the planet is connected to the internet, that's 4 billion ppl, 2 billion men.
Let's say 1.2 billion are old enough to view OF.
If 10% like overweight women, that's 120 million guys...if you make 1% of THEM interested at some level, that's 1.2 million. If 1% of THEM join...12k paying followers.
It's a numbers game.
SalamanderWolfWoman · 26-30
One option would be to sell music online. Another option would be to sell arts, crafts, or sewn articles online. You could make money as a stock investor online. I knew a woman who sold vintage clothing online. Tons of people are using the internet to earn a living without even using their appearance. Remote workers work online.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Who says you can't?
Richard65 · M
There's guys with a fetish for bigger women. I'm serious, there's a fetish for everything these days. There'll be plenty of people into big women, you just have to cater to that particular audience. It depends on what you're prepared to do.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
pic or fake post
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I think personality has more to do with it. There are many well liked popular social media personalities who are not conventionally attractive or thin.
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@SW-User id like to believe it but all i ever see are these thin beautiful people
Your stunning so if that’s what you think will help I’m sure you would be surprised by your popularity.
twiigss · M
If you had an OnlyFans page and told me what it was, I would check it out. You gotta just do it and don't even worry about what other people think.
AnotherWeirdo · 41-45, M
Invent the next onlyfans - then you get a piece of everyone else's earnings!
CookieCrisp · F
i mean do we even talk self improvement on here? idk, risky
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Beautiful and thin women. And they're valuable until they reach 28. Only. Then you're a battered woman. Really.
Why not use AI to determine what will make people make money online and just do that? Personally you should be the person that makes money and it's already set in the algorithm.
Why not use AI to determine what will make people make money online and just do that? Personally you should be the person that makes money and it's already set in the algorithm.
Penny · 46-50, F
i think thats pretty sad that thats your aspiration in life
daddybloke · 46-50, M
plenty of guys well into the larger lady
LeopoldBloom · M
Some of the top earners on OnlyFans are fat. For example:
Trust me, there’s someone with a f3tish for everything😭
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