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I Am Going to Say Something Controversial

I don't get these women who all be against abortion. So you sayin that you will have a rapist baby or some hillbilly incest baby because? Why do that to yourself? Stop reading that bible shit and think for yourself
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
If you want to know how an abortion is performed check out

All of the medications, equipment, possible issues and their solutions are documented. This isn't something you can do yourself. There's a big artery that can be ruptured if you don't know what you're doing.

First option is to do it chemically but that can take longer and cause more cramps and bleeding. The second option is the one that uses vacuum. Basically the procedure is dialation of the cervix with disposable sterile plastic introducers and then introducing a suction wand that has a hole on the side. After entry into the uterus it is gently moved in and out about three times while being turned to remove the cells. They may feel the inside of the uterus with another probe just to check for lumps and bumps but not always. After that's done you get some antibiotics and are told about how to prevent this from happening again. You may also have the option of having an IUD installed at the time of the procedure. Now, that's what I got out of the document. Feel free to add other information or suggestions based on your experience.
you do know that most abortions have nothing to do with rape or incest.. but a means of birth control.. don't get me wrong, I am an advocate that the woman has the right to do what she wants with her body. but you are using extreme examples that do not reflect reality..
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@looking4thesun Thank you
seashells · 31-35, F
@looking4thesun but it happens, rape happens all the time. Why is birth control so bad?
@seashells am not saying it is bad to abort rape babies, saying that it is a womans right one way or the other to determine what she does with her body.. and that most use abortion as a form of birth control not to right some wrong done to them.. if you want to not get pregnant and have sex then use some common sense and use birth control or the morning after pill for those times when a sudden one night stand comes up, which does happen.. :)
Why do that to myself?? Because it's an innocent baby that has no guilt, a powerful reason.
seashells · 31-35, F
@SW-User do you really want some inbred messed up baby though
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Women apparently don't understand the risks of pregnancy and the long term consequences of having a child. There really should be a requirement that you have to be licensed to be a parent. If you don't have the ability to care for yourself no way should you have a dog much less a child.
always been my point too 👍 it's easy for people to make decisions for others when they don't have to deal with it themselves.
There are times when an abortion may be an option, but not when a pregnacy is considered "inconvenient".
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
either side of the abortion issue,is extreme,both sides need to find what they agree on,
bhatjc · 46-50, M
So true girl. Just be your self

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